Ooc question of evilness...
Still fairly new to the evil char scene, was part of a semi evil project/group a wihle back then fell apart really to RL reasons. Thinking about trying again though through hearing several things from people in PM I'm beginning to wonder if most evil is even an option without having constant DM support(providing good targets for you to hit and what not) so figured I'd fish for ideas and maybe verify some things.
Since people can deny subdual evidentally(think this is right), and seem to complain when they lose weapons even in a DM event or whatever I guess this means robbery is out?
I wasn't around during the defiler days so I never knew what went on just heard about some things. Mainly player groups hunting other player groups? The most active public evil group I've seen is the banites. At various times I've seen them hunted exiled by several groups legion/norwick militia/etc. Yet at least from what little I've seen(I'm not a banite player so again could be wrong) seems thats when they try to hunt other players they don't seem to have the freedom of people hunting them, taking items, etc.. Is this just because they're(the banites) are good sports about it? Is there a pregareement made before such things?
So what is the way around this? Oocly talk to a bunch of player groups ahead of time and see if they're ok with being robbed or whatever? Or are we left to icly glaring at each other and taunting?
If I'm wrong about the above please correct me, provide suggestions. At least currently seems to be very hard to play anyone evil thats not just the controlling(behind the seens political backstabbing), embezzlement, care for self(oh look party is dying I'm going to run away and not help). I'd like to try to get the group going again, but they aren't the schemey political/embezzelment type, so curious if its even really possible. Creative ideas are appreciated =).
Been though this
:twisted: No commenthttp://www.therealnarfell.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=11577&highlight=
Seems i had the last word here..
you would be suprised
Screw that not every evil person is a religous zelot. We just need to focous on the greed aspect. If we where to start an evil legion. They wouldn't be to much arguing because no one would want pay cuts :twisted: . And about the PK, think about it if the "good/nutrul' half has pk on the "evil/nutril" half then us baddies will in turn be able to fight back. But I dont think server wide pk is going to happen anytime soon.
there are two reasons one because if there was an evil legion i know the whole server will have pk rights on you. Second of all because your evil gods….evil wants power...and then some gods dont even like each other so that takes care of that.
Same here Sick. That is one of the problems with playing evil in my opinion. The fact that you cannot, or atleast it is very difficult to attain any "physical" power. Without that power, you are very much a minority and any of the strong "good" people can hunt and kill you. So if there was someway to get Evil people to a high level were we could actually give the good people of Narfell something to fear once more, something to be hesitant to go hunt down and kill because the risk that they might very well die in the process….that's what we need.
I have played Allanon coming up on a year now, and he is level 7...Im getting there...slowly, but surely... If there was only a way we could band together and help each other out a bit, something like the Legion does....If only... :twisted:
I feel there is one reason that evil dosn't survive. There is no evil legion. Any Good/Nutrul charicter can sign up with the legion and thye take care of you from lvl one to lvl five and even more if you want it. I'm talking about obvious evil though not the covert stuff. There is no way to attain power because there is no one to go out with and kill hordes uppon hords of things. You have to admire a charicter like Igor though (at least I think he's evil) I'm surprised he even made it past lvl one RPing like the nut that he dose. If you wana play in your face evil, play a half-orc, even then it's a pritty tuff row to hoe. I dunnkow aobut you but in yoru face evil is my favoret.
First of all, evil does not mean grumpy.
In fact, you will find that an evil character who is easy to talk to accomplishes more than one who simply hates the world and randomly taunts paladins.
That doesn't mean keep your 'evil' tucked into your sleeve though. If your character's questionable morals don't factor into most of your sessions, 'evil' is just a trendy counter-culture label.
My evil advice: Play female. :twisted:
There is something about a woman who might slit your throat that just makes men want to trust her.
This is true, for some reason evil women have a better time manipulating people
[EDIT] History proves it in fact, Vinessa, Aspera Chillwind just to name a couple
My evil advice: Play female. :twisted:
There is something about a woman who might slit your throat that just makes men want to trust her.
**Warning, the amount of sarcasm in this post is high.
It is also meant as a joke. Just in case you don't realise.
In fact the following guide is the lamest, and crappiest way to RP evil, ever.
Also, I like cheese cake.**
To play the best kind of evil you just need to follow this super simple guide:
1.) You know your evil, because you clicked "Evil" in the character creation sheet. So as soon as someone says, "Hey you! I'm a paladin, and you, sir, are EVIL!" - Get all shifty eyed, and nervous, and say, "Alright! I admit it. I'm evil. I'm sorry!"
2.) Evil is NOT a matter of opinion; if your evil, your evil. Everyone should hate you because your character sheet says evil. And you should never ever have your own opinions of matters. Always pick the malicious side of an argument, because your evil! Always go 100%, because if your evil, you don't have your own personal opinions effected from past events or occurances of life. You were a slave when you were young? HAH! You're still evil, so buy yourself a few slaves and get over it.
3.) Mention your alignement casually in conversation over cups of coffee or at dinner with a friend. One good example of this super special evil-playing technique is…
"So Jim, how was your day?"
-"Not bad, Bob. I ate a few cakes, went to work..."
-"Yeah. Oh by the way, I'm evil."4.) When caught in an argument, political or otherwise, never, EVER sort things out with clever wording, or views. Always, and I mean ALWAYS try to kill the person your arguing with instead of, you know, proving yourself right - Even if your in a town. After all; people can be evil in jail, too!
5.) The evil grin n' laugh. If your evil, you must, must, must, MUST have an evil grin. If you don't grin like the evil son of a lich you were born as, you are a disgrace to the evil community. Grins evilly After all, you want everyone to be able to detect your alignement by the way you smile!
6.) Call people "fool"* alot. If you don't win an argument, call someone "fool"* and pray they go away. Don't vary your insults, just stick with "fool."*
*Note; this is not to be used in the "I pitty the fool who doesn't believe in Mr. T!" form. That is copy righted and will get you sued.
7.) Dress in black. Can't get enough black. No colors, at all. You want to look as dark as your tainted heart, because all evil characters have the same taste in clothes. If you don't have a cool set of pure-black plate, your not "hip" like the rest of the evil kids. Go hang with those paladins, with their colored attire. Hmph!
8.) You're invincable. If you get cut, you don't wince, you don't flinch, you don't even FEEL the pain, oh yeah! Because evil characters should NEVER face humility. Oh, and always act like you know everything, because your evil, and all evil people in the movies and books always seem to be two or three steps ahead of that good guy who, heh, expresses his emotions. ::Laughs:: That weakling - Oh, sorry. I meant "fool." Almost forgot about rule 6. ::Shifty eyes::
Well, writing this crappy guide was one heckuva way to spend class. ::Ahems and grins:: :ninja:
On a more serious note, Wykith posted an actual serious guide to evil, somewhere in these very forums, I believe. Very informative, that.
Only piece of advice I can give you, is that you want act evil towards characters, and not players. What I mean is make the character feel crappy; not the player. But there are WAY too many ways to RP evil to even begin trying to make a set of rules for them. Not all evil characters want to rule the world or cause havoc and make people feel like crap.
Use instinct. If you manage to pull off a kick-ass evil character that the players love, yet the characters hate, then hey, you've sucesfully RP'd evil in Narfell, at least IMO.
… I think the best evil to play is covert evil...
Agree 100% with rando!!
I mean "walking around waving" a flag sayin O im so evil, just wount get the job done!
Your best bet is to kepe a low profile, maybe give some ints every now and then.
KULL (Half orc barbarian, Training Officer and Captain in the Legion)
“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”
Evil is probally the hardest to play on narf as being to overt icould get you killed or banned from a lot of places. Also a lot of other PCs won't party with you due to aligment issues. (kara and i have been the only ones on the server and wanted to do something but could not due to aligment).
Evil can be very lonely once you have been 'outed'. I think the best evil to play is covert evil, build yourself up into positions of power and get some friends that could be called upon if you need them.
There is a lot more evil around now that at anytime i can remember in the past. Don't play stupid evil as they will get you killed very quickly, for example this happened a long time ago and i still find it funny.
A char walked into the town hall of Norwick when a trial was going on and shouted out By Cyric what the hell is going on! in about 2 seconds he was laying dead on the floor. the room was full of LG chars.
You mentioned robbery, well i have seen this happen before, quiet a few PCs have become 'bandits' but this has not lasted long as they are normally hunted down and killed quickly. DMs are willing to help you with playing evil but remember if you do something evil and its gets out prepare for some fallout that could result in your death.
Looting other chars is fine, but a lot of people don't do it as items are hard to come by and they understand, so they don't do it. They might take a few golds but nothing really major. Fine if you want to do it, but how would you feel if someone beat you up and stole your FP that cost you 7k?
If you need any more help or advice on playing non good chars PM me and i will be willing to help you out.
Ah yes the bluff
I remember an instance of that used very well against the guards.. ya you know who you are
dropping some pms seperately to some people but ya keep em comming if you have any
- So what is the way around this? Oocly talk to a bunch of player groups ahead of time and see if they're ok with being robbed or whatever? Or are we left to icly glaring at each other and taunting?
Glaring and taunting is like necking and petting. Fun for a while, but eventually you gotta whip out your sword and fuck the other party up.
It's finding willing people in your league that always seems the problem, but then again, I just graduated from a high school full of Catholics and Christian fundamentalists, so – Er, wait a sec, wrong line...
One of the largest
It wasn't known but the Sharran Clergy of about a year back likely rivaled its size. And I think that was both church's problems, the larger you are the more people that can screw up and bring eyes upon it.
I think we discussed the size of each our churches at one point. At that time you held the record between us for most peons, but I think I overcame that number at one point.
Enough dick-waving, though. Back to this man's inquiries!
One of the largest
It wasn't known but the Sharran Clergy of about a year back likely rivaled its size. And I think that was both church's problems, the larger you are the more people that can screw up and bring eyes upon it.
The church of Bane was relatively massive – easily larger than any other evil group if its time -- but has kinda decayed, and is presently very small, because it's hard to keep big evil groups like that alive without something to do.
And things to do are hard to find, because you need DMs to lavish you with attention.
Having been on Narfell for about a month, I agree that the covert evil character is the most suitable for this server. Despite the general RP intention of the Narfell realm being wild and hostile, the actual game play with other characters is more like you would find in highly civilized societies (i.e. politics, soldiers, senators, councils, etc.). That being said, much like any semi-civil society, overt evil is not well tolerated. People who wantonly steal, kill, or otherwise threaten the peace typically attract too much attention in any society to last very long. On the other hand, people who covertly decieve, lie, kill and steal when the opportunity is best, and play the innocent or righteous in all other times can often rise to positions of power (I think here this applies to both RL and Narfell). Once in positions of power, evil can really flourish.
1)Subdual is DM approved AFAIK-and-play which leaves little for the "thug" evil to work with. Looting in DM quest appears to be a big no-no but hey…plenty of other times to do dastardly deeds
2)Wasn't there. Couldn't comment
An arrangement of perhaps an Intimidate check in tell could be worked out for such. Other than that it seems like Pick Pocket or cry.
Behind the scenes evil is quite apparently the easiest evil role to play. That being said I don't find it quite as fun. My thug doesn't go out of his way to be maliciously evil to everyone, but he is generally a jerk and quite happy to do anything that makes a paladin cry for a bit of gold. Personally I think the problem with in-your-face evil characters is the difficulty finding like-minded players to game with. Once you're a known evil you're pretty much on your own unless you get lucky. A larger obvious-evil base of players is probably the best bet...ignoring such groupings as say...needing to worship Bane to party. -shrugs- If you're still moderately low level you can always seek out Card Fylath. He'll be glad to find someone else to talk to than these pitifully annoying good-two-shoes characters he see's all over Narfell