Rognar Stoneclaven

  • Rognar Stoneclaven

    Rognar's begining starts with his 'brother'. This information is posted here.

    After Rugnar's death, Rog took to the bottle more heavily then ever. Weeks passed that his memories were of nothing more than sporadic flashes of taverns, jails, and gutters. The look on Rugnar's face as he transformed back into the thing from which he came, the serpent-like salacity Ragnar displayed at Rugnar's pain; it was too much for the old dwarf to handle. Liquid oblivion was the only escape he knew.

    Word came to Ragnar that Peltarch authorities had learned of their nefarious trade. This was to be expected, but the speed in which they had been found out took him by surprise.

    The bribe alone to leave the docks unmolested by authorities was more than half the profits the entire enterprise had made, so when Ragnar finally found Rognar slumped over in a corner of some nameless, sleazy pub, his furry was overwhelming.

    From a languid stupor, Rog awoke to the raging countenance of his brother. Not understanding the direness of the the situation, the inebriated dwarf waved Ragnar off with a flippant gesture of his bottle and set back to pass out again. Ragnar was in no mood for this, and grasped his brother's shoulder with his shriveled hand, sending a searing bolt of dark energy through him.

    The pain was unbelievable, incapacitating Rognar and thowing him to the floor. Through a smoky haze, stinking of leather and flesh, Rog looked up to see his brother's face looking down on him, and for a brief instant, saw the same lecherous grin Ragnar displayed as he dispatched of Rugnar.

    Later that night, aboard their ship sailing out of the docks of Pelatarch, Rognar threw himself from the ship into the black sea. Weighted down with the gold Ragnar had managed to scurry on board, Rog inteneded to end his wretched life and do as much damage as he could to his evil brother in the process. It was perhaps the most lucid moment he had ever experienced.

    He awoke late in the morning, washed ashore the beaches, stripped of everything save his clothes. Tired, and alone for the first time in as long as he could remember, Rognar wandered towards the city, looking for a drink.