Along the Nars Pass

  • Up and down the Nars pass, wanderers passing the crystals will see planks of wood before each crystal with a tar painted warning in Common: "DO NOT TOUCH THE CRYSTALS!" Each is accompanied by an illustration of a human, dwarf or half-orc burning while touching a crystal.

    Word has it that the signs were put in place by Genzir, Rognar, Raisa, and Wolf.

    ((double the post, double the fun))

  • moe goes up to get a closer look at the signs, he ctaches a whiff of the urine
    "oooof, Foilir or Dwin have been here or both, no one else is stupid enough to piss on shite. When in doubt piss on it."
    chuckles and wanders off

  • Foilir reads the sign for a moment then pees on it as well as the crystal