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Always amusing to see someone log in with the character name ""
Don't be silly, Wyk! As an individual I can't influence The Game any more than I can influence the Two Party Political System or Organized Religion.
But I can always tie a playa to a buick and give him a ride through a field of fire ants.
Don't hate the player baby!
Hate the game!
I know the pic is cute but i can't help but feel its not appropriate at all to use God's name in such things. Its disrespectful…
If you take that one part of the phrase and pretend it's written in Arabic, then it is should be read from right to left, which innocently says a "Dog" kills a kitten, which is ok of course because they have nine lives to spare anyway.
I agree actually I was recruited to another server briefly, not only was it less fun for me (to big an area to few of players) I also felt I did not connect with people and make friends. The friendships are the most important for me and I value all of you very very much and respect what all of your combined efforts has done here; thank you for allowing me amongst you. Oh and I have no ideal what that should realy say can someone pm me it? It won't offend me I know the goddess doesn't kill kitten anyway right?
p.s. grimm I'm sorry I tell you so much I wish you would have just told me it's not my intent to bother anyone anyhow.
Lora O
As far as spaming goes for other servers, other then the fact that it is obnoxious when you are in mid play, I hate general chatter tells anyway. I just am inclined to tell them that they are missing a fine point …. I AM here and not there so I must like it HERE
Bye. Oh and BTW leave lme alone.
I had tried "other servers" before coming here. When I left in March , where did I return to? Hmm could it be I actually like Narfell and the people on it? No heaven forbid not that. WE(being the working word) are all here of our own Free will for what ever reasons we have chosen. But the bottom line is we are all here to have fun, play a game . At any given time one is free to leave Narell and explore to ones hearts content. I agree the spamming is rude and in poor taste. Imho if enough people look down there noses and tell he or she to buzz off and show lack of interest. I would fall into the ignore them and it will cease,level of pediatric misbehavior modification.
I agree with the majority of what has been said here and like to add that I find this level of behavior is tasteless and disruptive in game time. The tells are bad enough without hhaving to respod to a commerciallGrimm
(disclaimer...anyone editing this post for spelling, content or phrasiology be aware writter is up way to early in the morning and tyoing with a disasterously low caffiene blood level :lol: so if this makes sense at all DANG I am surprised:lol:
you'd be more upset if you were catholic..
Hang on a sec! I'm Roman Catholic; and Irish too! That's the worst possible combination… and I know what the actual slogan should read!!
Why.. but... that's just... Heretics! Ye shall all burn in the fires of Hell whilst the Beast stuffs red hot coals up yer jacksies!!!
Sorry, not sure what came over me.
Incidentally the actual slogan reads "Every time you masturbate; God kills a kitten."
As for a door-to-door salesman style of pushing other servers. Nay! BOOO! Losers! HERETIC!!! ::ahem::
But let's not go so far in the other direction were even mentioning the existance of another server would get you booted and temp banned (and yes, I've seen that happen).
Yeah. if THAT offends you you really don't want to know why god REALLY kills a kitten
you'd be more upset if you were catholic.
Back on topic. Agree with you scott that pming your friends to show them something you have made is all fine. But the recent incident is apprently where ppl have been just working there way dow nthe list in irc and ig to send tells and pm's to pl to ask the mcome play or check out another server.
I know the pic is cute but i can't help but feel its not appropriate at all to use God's name in such things. Its disrespectful…
Then you'd be really upset if you knew what the pic really said :twisted:
i laugh cause i know what that picture really should say…
What should the picture really say?
I know the pic is cute but i can't help but feel its not appropriate at all to use God's name in such things. Its disrespectful…
What you have experienced may be different from some of the other recent spam cycles.
But that is really not the point. You are talking about people talking about their servers on IRC and the such as if its a personal threat to the server. I believe in the contrary. Our community is built around people who enjoy the game. It is no wonder some of us branch off to make things of our own in NWN. The person who invited me simply wanted to show me his server. At the end of the day, I still was going to come back to Narf, so there really wasn't a threat there.
Like I said it isn't about threat, it's about respecting the work this community has done to build itself (Players, devs, DMs, PLs, everyone).
I can't say I know exactly what all of this is about, but I do know I have been invited to one of these servers. However, I took my invitation to this server as something different than what you are perceiving, g.
This person asked me simply if I had time and would I like to see a test server that he's made. I'm always interested in what other people can make, so I gladly accepted his invite. But to consider these invitations spam may be taking it a bit too far. I know I love to share with my friends some of the things I've created in NWN, and so I have been known to PM or tell them a lot about those type of things. I wouldn't consider it spamming just because I feel like I'm a part of this community, and they have some of the same interests as me so they could be interested. My inviter could have went a bit overboard in his tells, but this is most likely just because he's proud of something he's developed.
But that is really not the point. You are talking about people talking about their servers on IRC and the such as if its a personal threat to the server. I believe in the contrary. Our community is built around people who enjoy the game. It is no wonder some of us branch off to make things of our own in NWN. The person who invited me simply wanted to show me his server. At the end of the day, I still was going to come back to Narf, so there really wasn't a threat there.
Consider it rambling or whatever, but I don't think we should really be hostile to people who honestly just want to show something they've created for the game. For others who honestly DO want to take from this community, well, I think Seraphaine's message is clear.
i laugh cause i know what that picture really should say…
There's other servers!? Bah! That's not spam, it's an outright lie!