Peltarch SDM change

  • Council of Moradin

    Linah has done a great deal of work in game and behind the scenes and is going to be taking a break. We are all greatful for all the effort she put in both in the story building as well as with the Devs to keep Peltarch an interesting place.

    and now I'm going to sneak in and take credit for it all. 😉

    I will not be changing the story of Peltarch so there is no need to toss out your notebooks. Much of what already exists will become more real than what it has been. The city is surrounded and filledwith well over 23 distict factions and I expect you will be meeting them in one way or another soon.

    2 policy changes:

    1. I will give RP XP for the IN CHARACTER work done on the forums. This is not awarded by word so don't get too jumpy Zyph. 😉

    2. I am not the type of DM to spoon feed information. If you want to know what the hell is going on, you need to do the work to find out. I have explained the concept of Research several times and now is the time to put it to use. If you have specific question I expect you to write them down with methods of investigation, people you go to talk to, how much gold you spend/use as bribes, etc. You will get back the same amount of effort you put in.

    To get this sort of thing done effectively, post these investigations in your guild forums if appropriate and then ask a Peltarch DM to look it over. If you ask a Pelt DM that is not involved in that specific plot, they will point you to the correct DM.

    I posted some skill info a long time ago in the linked thread. Feel free to look it over for future reference.

    If you do not have a forum to post to, PM them to me and I will pass it along.

    Happy hunting.

  • Is it possible to get a general idea of pricing for housing in peltarch?

    Nyda would like to buy something.

  • Council of Moradin

    The bardic perform check DC list is straight out of some book. People listening can see the level of performance so we'll have a Baalor come dance along if it looks good enough. 😉

  • Wow, looks like I'm back just in time for some big changes! Well, thank you Linah for all your hard work.

    I look forward to seeing Peltarch under your hand, Serephaine. Cheers.

    [Edit] One question. In the skills link you supplied above, it mentions numbers for perform checks. would you like us to use the emote wand for bardic performances, or would you like us to use our bard tool?

    I like the bard tool because it allows the tip bag to be put out, rather handy sometimes, but I'll go with whatever the consensus is. [/edit]

  • Instead of arresting him, put that bard to work.

    I gotta have more cowbell!

  • Council of Moradin

    :? ::looks over Regi::

    That the real guy?

    ::calls the guard to arrest the man with the too long mustache::

  • Now this is exciting.

    Gratz Sera.

  • Thought I should post an old picture that seems appropriate for the occasion 🙂

  • Welcome.

  • Council of Moradin

    I'm logged into IRC nearly 24/7. If I don't respond leave me a message as to what you are looking into.

    Do not leave me a "Hey. Are you there?" message and expect me to come looking for you later.

  • Yes, many thanks to Linah's efforts. I hope Linah enjoys her break from it all, and enjoys herself for once without worrying about us lazy PCs 😉

    And Sera, since I'm must interested in policy #2… does that mean we can bug you with various questions on such? 😉 Sometimes, prices, or what's expected, in certain "investigations and research" are not always quite clear 😛

  • Many, many thanks to Linah for all the effort she put into making Peltarch what it is today.

    And many, many thanks to Seraphaine for stepping up to continue this development.

    "For the glory of Peltarch!" 😉

  • ::snaps his fingers::

    Damn your quick thinking sera.

    And welcome aboard 🙂 Will be interesting to see what you cook up.

    And big thanks to linah. The remake of peltarch and the addition of the defenders island are both great dev works, and the civil war was a great sight to behold.