Giant SALE!

  • Dwin listens carefully as Krig preaches about the upcoming war, nodding and cheering at appropriate times. Once Krig has finished and the crowd disperses, Dwin hops up onto one of the benches and tries to get everyone's attention.

    Everyone! Fellow Jiyyd-folk!

    We all heard what Krig just said. I known him fer a long time, as many of ya have, and we know what he says will surely come to pass.

    We ain't got a chance against the giants unless we are properly prepared. I am once again willin to discount any weapon or armor bought from the guild, so that everyone has a better opportunity. All sales for the next month ((RL week)) will be discounted at 10% BELOW our normal Guild price. That's right!

    I am willin to take a loss, of course, so that we can defend ourselves properly.

    Spread the word, and let yer friend in Bard-town know as well. Our guild members may not be able to SELL inside their walls, but them Peltarchians can come here to BUY!

    See your local Guild member for sales, or come find me directly.

  • Goro the long lost troff appears through the crowd. He can be asking random peoples about the pail… They just give him looks and walk off.

  • A young dwarven woman with bushy red hair beams at Dwin from the crowd as he makes his announcement. When he is finished, she proudly shows off her morning star to those close by.

    "e's nae jes un cutie, lasses, but 'e's gut the blessin's o' Moradin at te anvil, eh? 'im an' 'is cuzzin made me dis 'ere star 'e did, an' it's ne'er let me doon! Ei'm sure 'e's goin' te be busy unce folks 'ear o' dis sale, ye best get ye orders in na if'n ye want te best!"

    She adjusts her new leather belt slightly, accentuating her impressive decolletage. "Ye tell 'im Branwen sent ye, eh?"

    Ael blinks at the vast stretch of dwarf flesh on display and shakes his head in a desperate effort to prevent the image from burning his eyes and searing itself into his brain. He holds a vial of kobold moonshine under his nose to clear his thoughts (and sinuses). When he can see again, he makes a mental note to ask Dwin about good leather satchels as well as the other items he had inquired about.