The Quest For the Golden Chalice of Lathander

  • a small note is pinned to the inn desk in the Regal whore, its in common

    Dear Towns Folk and adventurers, My name is North Springwater, some of you may know me from the North Company but im sure most of you have never heard of me. After a few extremely long, intenst and consentrated minutes in the librarys of peltarch and other places, i believe to have discovered the location of something so old, so important, and henceforth so valueble. The Golden Chalice of Lathander is what i am speeking of, it is know to be here in Narfell. It was lost long ago, but i seem to have learned it's general where-abouts, i would go and get it myself but i am sure that i couldn't find it alone. I have aquired all the books i found it in and hid them in a safe place, so the only way to find it now is with me. The quest leaves jiyyd at dawn in a month.

    //A pc run event, some fun to have on narf, im saying Pacific coast time at 6 on saterday, if thats not good for you and you'd like to be there, just respond with a time thats good, and where that time is.//

  • // im soo sorry everyone, expeccially to the people who were gunna be there, rl issues came up and i couldn't get on, tear, i'll do it again cuz North likes to drink :P.//

  • Should some ask the hin mage Marlfox about this as he is known to be a friend of North he shakes his head sadly

    I've no idea if Mr. Springwater wrote this drunk or not… but I've no doubt he intends to try and retrieve this chalice... he's going to want me to come too ... gods I have the strangest friends.