Announcement in town!

  • Everyone in town is talking about the town meeting coming up soon. Rumors are flying about what it could be about, but no doubt the issues of the crops being destroyed, crystal slaves, and orc threats will be addressed as well as financial issues such as pay and job recruitment. Also rumor has it that Lens has a special announcement he will be making…

    ((OOC on: Friday will be the day. Any time that day is good for me, but I want to have a time when we can get a lot of players who can attend. So I'm thinking around 7:00 eastern US time. IF you have a better time then post it, but try to keep this thread IC if possible. The meeting will be a lengthy one so pack a lunch. Many issues to address.))

  • Scrawled on the wall in charcoal is the following message:

    'All gali and rom. The alyans has said that we are welcum to live in thair Inn and valley and that they will help get the camp bac. I think this is a good idear. Jid duz not wont us anny mor and wont help so we shud move.

  • OOC:How is the log coming along? I have heard numerous rumors :).

    Mog is seen going about town asking about what all was discussed at the meeting.

    ::sends a note to Lens's scribe asking for a copy of the meeting::

  • @98ab725017=Gobbletom:

    Later it will be since it seems to be the majority and a few council members are actually on at that time. So 12:00 eastern it will be. The meeting will be logged and posted for all those who cannot be there.

    That time is basically impossible for all of europe and probably 90% of east coasters. At least give us a chance at making it 😛

    curses all the whiny west coasters

  • If you have any concerns you want brought up and cant make the meeting, you can pm me in IRC (nick Jay) and I will hopefully get them addressed tonight.

  • //Maybe if I wake up at 6 am….

  • Later it will be since it seems to be the majority and a few council members are actually on at that time. So 12:00 eastern it will be. The meeting will be logged and posted for all those who cannot be there.

  • Sorry I can't be there, Gobbletom. I'll be out of town this weekend. Could someone please take notes for those of us who can't be there.

  • Legion

    8pm est I am just done with work only 5 mytime…Gobble can you do a noon est on sunday?? ))

  • Wellll… I could possibly make Friday, but I mean, it'd have to be at a real late time... like... 11pm-midnight PST... Though I'm not a key member I don't think, but if you were trying to cover that time 🙂

  • Problem is, you go 11pm EST and you can forget the Euro crowd and most of the east coasters too. I'd recommend maybe 8pm est as a bit of a compromise, but even then you're talking 1am in much of europe as your start time.

  • Legion

    ( the later the better for me on friday. 12est I have a slim chance of making later then that a good chance of making thats only 9pm my time.. so.. I will try my best…))

  • ((I'm with Dwin on this one. Later the better for me. 11pm EST I could probably make, midnight would be better.))

  • ((the later the better for me (10pm-11pm EST), though that isnt good for the Euros.))

  • ((What times can folks make it? I wanted to catch euro times and us times so a lot can make it. Post suggestions.))

  • ((Friday is the only day Gobs can do it, if you cant make the 7pm EST time, I suggest you follow his instructions and post the time you can make it. The key folks being there are the pc council members, I would be willing to stay up late if it means having more of them there, but I wont speak for the others on this.))

  • Legion

    ((OOC cant do friday 4pm my time I am still working. I think late friday or early sunday is good for me….))

  • Tanin hears of the meeting and nods, thinking. The warband would be back from its raid about then, and he had things to discuss.

  • Perennia grows excited at the prospect of financial matters and makes a point to attend if she can.

    ((I might be able to catch the tail end after work. Should be fun nonetheless, though. 🙂 ))

  • OOC:
    Is that 7am or 7pm EST?
    And whats the GMT shift if you could please 🙂