Announcement in town!

  • Later it will be since it seems to be the majority and a few council members are actually on at that time. So 12:00 eastern it will be. The meeting will be logged and posted for all those who cannot be there.

  • Sorry I can't be there, Gobbletom. I'll be out of town this weekend. Could someone please take notes for those of us who can't be there.

  • Legion

    8pm est I am just done with work only 5 mytime…Gobble can you do a noon est on sunday?? ))

  • Wellll… I could possibly make Friday, but I mean, it'd have to be at a real late time... like... 11pm-midnight PST... Though I'm not a key member I don't think, but if you were trying to cover that time 🙂

  • Problem is, you go 11pm EST and you can forget the Euro crowd and most of the east coasters too. I'd recommend maybe 8pm est as a bit of a compromise, but even then you're talking 1am in much of europe as your start time.

  • Legion

    ( the later the better for me on friday. 12est I have a slim chance of making later then that a good chance of making thats only 9pm my time.. so.. I will try my best…))

  • ((I'm with Dwin on this one. Later the better for me. 11pm EST I could probably make, midnight would be better.))

  • ((the later the better for me (10pm-11pm EST), though that isnt good for the Euros.))

  • ((What times can folks make it? I wanted to catch euro times and us times so a lot can make it. Post suggestions.))

  • ((Friday is the only day Gobs can do it, if you cant make the 7pm EST time, I suggest you follow his instructions and post the time you can make it. The key folks being there are the pc council members, I would be willing to stay up late if it means having more of them there, but I wont speak for the others on this.))

  • Legion

    ((OOC cant do friday 4pm my time I am still working. I think late friday or early sunday is good for me….))

  • Tanin hears of the meeting and nods, thinking. The warband would be back from its raid about then, and he had things to discuss.

  • Perennia grows excited at the prospect of financial matters and makes a point to attend if she can.

    ((I might be able to catch the tail end after work. Should be fun nonetheless, though. 🙂 ))

  • OOC:
    Is that 7am or 7pm EST?
    And whats the GMT shift if you could please 🙂

  • Belade pre-ordered some ale and meat at the Regal Whore, and has been seen looking for the best place for her and her friends to sit

    //Great time 🙂

  • //ooc: Right, I can't make fridays no matter what… so uh... at least do a log and post it?