Fine Short Swords for Sale

  • Word is that an elf is perhaps looking to sell a pair of finely crafted, matched blades made in Silverymoon. The blades are said to be short swords, and the elf's name is Tanin Valdar. Rumor is he may also be seeking to sell some fine leathers as well.

    // Fine Short Swords (+1 attack, +1 dam), a pair of them. Fine Leather Armor (leather armor +1). Looking to sell one or both for continuation of rp thread.. Please contact in-game or send pm for rp and purchase.//

    EDIT: Forgot about leathers.

  • ::One fellow named Zora Montague is seen lying down on a Jiyyd bench, putting a map down in one hand, flipping a smokey blue, almost transparent coin as he comments coolly about the rumors::

    "Tanin? Yeah I know Tanin… nice guy, that. I'm sure he'll give you a real fair bargain on those blades of his. Did I mention he was a nice guy?"

    ::He grins, snapping his finger, the blue coin "poof"ing out of sight as he resumes his map-reading::