A new child born

  • A group of people are seen leaving the Legion halls, as talk spreads of a new child born. Alia Anne Carinsen has given birth to her son, Alathas Milshot Carinsen

  • When the new born babe emerged in the world . A tiny elf was the first to recieve the charge. So this is life, she thought. This is the root from which we all spring. As the child was placed, now cheansed in his mothers arms. The tiny Elf runs every poem she knows and none can compare to the beatific scene she has just witnessed. The mother glows with an aura that no magic could evoke. She smiles warmly at the woman and child. When the men are let in the room. Many gifts of items song and prayer are given to honor the young lord. Ah she thinks merrily no king could garen such favor and honor. Of this I am sure. Thoughout all she is struck to by the strangeness of one thing . What power has this little human this vulnarable little thing, that the mere sight can humble the strongest, bravest, blooded warrior. This is truley a gift of the gods and a miracle upon a miracle, of that she is truley sure.

  • A group of people went eastwards to gather winterwolf pelts for the newborn. Sadly enough, one amongst them, a hin mage, died. It was said that he died valiantly, trying to stave of a horde of wolves, a dozen of the pack leaders amongst them. His companions brought his body back to town, where he was raised.