A battle in the Chasm

  • Travellers of late may have noticed the corpses of almost a dozen Duergar scattered about the chasm, their bodies burned and seemingly hacked to bits, residents of Oscura who may have been around at the time would report that the chasm was filled with an unnatural darkness surrounding the party of grey Dwarves and when the darkness lifted only 2 were left, Chaevre' Vaelen with her magical staff in hand letting loose bolt after bolt of missiles into the remaining survivors while a few others cut them down with sword and axe. After the massacre Chaevre' wanders Oscura hurriedly looking for Zanetar before running out of the town again, reports from nearby eastlanders tell that one of the dwarves escaped and was running for his life back to their hold in Mintas, the group didnt hesitate to race back to Jiyyd after the surviving witness of the encounter, the dwarf was caught entering the Orc fields and Chaevre' was able to stop the dwarf with a confusion spell, the adventurers closed in on the dumbfounded dwarf and ended its life quickly. Chaevre' it seems is more then annoyed at the Dwarves boldness to dare to approach the underground city, rumors have it that she and her group were tipped off by an unlikely source, at the Duergars attemt to reach the city in search of aid.