OOC note for oscurans, something maybe useful

  • (( Something that may be useful for you all and really add to the flavor of Oscura…Undercommon can be a regional language.

    See, every character in faerun gets Common, a racial langauge if they're not human, and a regional.

    Now most people if they're from narfell, just have Damaran.

    Most others have Chondathan, though there are others.

    HOWEVER, people from underground cities can actually take Undercommon as theres.

    All undercommon is is well, a common tongue for the underdark. It would be a really cool thing if most people living in Oscura knew or learned undercommon and that was one of the typicial things spoken, and give a bit of an exotic feel to the city for outsiders. Just a thought))

  • Undercommon was Chaevre's second language, elven was her first, and common she began to learn after she escaped the underdark.

  • (( Thats kind of why i said people from underdark cities. Be it people from Arnath originally, possibly someone playing a character moving from one underdark area to Oscura, or maybe a more teenage character in a few months once Oscura gets out of its adolescence.

    I know there were a good bit of us in Arnath that knew Undercommon, we routinely dealt with Drow, Duegar, and Svifneblin, all of which generally know Undercommon since…as i said...this is the general "Common" in the underdark and between underdark races.

    Oscura seems to have brought in people from other places of the underdark along with Arnath, or so it seems, which means even more why I would think Undercommon would be rather known by many oscurans.

    Not saying its a "whole new made up language". Its a canon, real, faerunian language known mostly throughout the underdark. ))

  • Yup, I ditch points in Craft Armor and Craft Weapon to buy languages. And rather anally follow the Player's Guide To Faerun rules as to which languages I have access to too, twitching silently when I see people speaking non-canon languages or speaking bonus languages they shouldn't…

    ::Adjusts his Rules Lawyering tie, puts on his RP-Nazi armband and goose steps out of the thread in his shiny new Elitist Bastard boots::

  • uses the item crafting skills to dump for language skills

  • Actually no, no one can be said to have grown up in Oscura. There -are- peeps growing up in Oscura, but this is not really a city that has been occupated for a long time and has developed its own language. If undercommon -is- learned, it would be from an outside source, not because peeps start there. 😛

    Now if you dig back into Arnath's history far enough, you'll see many that survived the founding actually would know undercommon, and with everything exceptions can be made, but it would need to be with good reason.

    Doesn't really like to get into language discussions because personally believes peeps should have common + 1 lang/int mod and that's IT, given there is no way to effectively "waste" skill points on Speak Languages.

    Although, given that Narfell really doesn't use the Appraise skill (that I've noticed anyway), it might be a good one to invest in.

    Discussion for another thread though.

  • Don't take what I'm about to say as an official ruling, as this isn't "my" town:

    I can agree with Undercommon being available to characters, though I truly would prefer not to see characters starting with the language unless they grew up in Oscura or another such place. But as for learning it later, yeah, I don't see why not.