Driders in camp

  • Tala and Rolan are seen leaving Jiyyd. A few hours later are seen entering again, Rolan nearly dead, hacking up blood and Tala standing over him, nursing his wounds. They tell a tale of Driders in the spider woods and near the den. Unacceptable to them. They seem to be hunting the woods lately. Rolan is heard quoting that no enemy shall take over his home completely, the spider men will pay as much as the gnolls. It is only a matter of time. Rolan calls upon all gali and gypsies that are left to help combat this plague that tries to take over thier home.

    Rolan stands in the middle of Jiyyd speaking

    There are orcs, there are duegar, but the only threat that matters to me right now is my home. The gnolls and the driders think they can take over our home! Never shall they know the peace that we felt, we shall beat them down till they crumble before us. Me and Tala tore apart at least 14 driders by oursleves, though i may have died, it was well worth the effort defending my home. Never shall a enemy walk freely now, we shall make them pay for every foot they take from us. If it costs a life for every foot, then so be it, they shall know what it what it is like to cross the gali.

    With that he walks out of Jiyyd and enters the nars

  • tala looks at the dwarf

    I never heard you ask for gold. You want gold for bandages here take mine. I will buy myself more. If you want gold for your blessings shrugs I praise Moradin almost as much as Mielikki it seems some times. As Samryn to the council of Moradin I have given much food and provided quiet places for many a dwarven priest in his or her prayers.

    I gave almost half of what little gold I have to the building of a dwarven temple. So please do not preach to me about the stinginess of others.

    drops her salve and bandages on the ground at Rask's feet

    Feel free to find a Troff, Lakur, Dolvak, Glorin, Skullboil or Ironforge, I count them all friends. Ask them of Tala Arniman and ask them about the council too you might be in need of it and some dwarven friends to explain the lands here abouts.

  • Dev, hearing the dwarf's words and seeing the other's reactions, steps up to said healer

    Don't charge people who you need. If your out in the field of battle, everyone needs everyone. Do your part and make yourself useful.
    If someone crawls into town with their guts piling out because they made the mistake of taking on a pack leader by themselves, you can do what you want. He needs you, but you don't need him. It's that simple.
    As long as you are out in the field, however, you need each other. Even I don't stop and wait for donations when there's a battle going on before I start calling Waukeen's blessings.

  • Oreth rolls his eyes at the dwarf, and adds to Arandor's comment

    Aye. What of the warrior who stood up front and occupied the enemy while you were doing your vaunted healing? And the archer and mage who kept the enemies held down or at a distance? Surely you would be just as dead without them as they would be without your healing arts. Perhaps after you're done collecting your payment from them for your services, they should collect theirs from you.

    Or, if everything must have a value in gold for you, you could just save yourself some time and each take an equal share of any profits and shut your ungrateful noise-tube.

  • ::Arandor frowns slightly hearing the Dwarf's comments*

    We owe you nothing Dwarf… While your efforts are appreciated, you are a fool if you think we're going to fall over ourselves honoring you for giving aid unlooked for... You followed us of your own accord, a healer such as yourself should know that most good deeds go unthanked and unrewarded. Your labour was no more or less valuable then anyone else that came with us... And all were thanked for their efforts..."

    ::He eyes the Dwarf critically, expression calm and even.::

    "If you can't stand us 'surface dweller idiots' then crawl back under whatever rock you came from and do us both a favor… Let me know when you plan to teach this 'lesson'... That is a threat if I've ever heard one before, and I do not take kindly to such threats. Perhaps I've a 'lesson' of my own to show you."

  • Rask, Seen later, Muttering about the
    ungrateful nature of the party,
    seems to be saying something about
    letting a few people bleed out, their life
    blood upon the ground, as Healers seem
    to be taken for granted….

    Do People realize healing Herbs cost money ?
    That I need good armour to charge into the
    middle of a swirling melee to be able to drop
    a third tier healing charm on them, while a
    tree spider is swinging at my head ? Aye,
    they know it... but they care not...

    Dwarves can recognize the value of a
    warrior healer, and respect it, but there
    are precious few sunsoaked surface
    dweller idiots who do..... Maybe a lesson
    is in order... I think it is......

  • Shortly after people see a large party, after Tala is well rested, head out from Jiyyd to battle the Driders the next night. Among the party were Talaand her husband Arandor, a Dwarf healer Rask by name (check that?), the old merchant Hjoichi, Sywyn the Elven Blackwood, Drelan the bodyguard, Vine the one eyed archer, and a Silent Elf in a helmet. (post if I missed ya, not you Aelhaearn you joined later). They did not return come morning but each individual was seen some time later in good health. Thier hunt is assumed to have went well.