Giant Loving

  • The story below quikly spreads throughout the city, after many saw a man by the name of Deacon Sterr fly over the hills.

    _Deacon can be seen in the regal whore Inn, exausted and badly scratched. Only thing topping the before is that he is drunk, drunk out of his ass.

    The story goes that Deacon got spotted by a young frost giant princess, who took him home. There the king had ordered him to either find the rightful husband, or marry her himself. Deacon agreed to find the husband, and after a treck all across narfell, they found the man. A fat, noble, no good giant by the name of Golam.

    They were about to head back, Dawn, him, uchi, dante and Yu Shei, when Golam started hitting the princess. This lead to a arguement between Dawn, Deacon and the giant Golam. Golam out of nothing attacked them both, and they put him down.

    The crying princess was escorted home by Deacon and Dawn made way back into Peltarch. What happened after this is unclear..

    However Deacon makes sure never, ever to talk to a Frost Giant again._