Darlon Stormshield

  • Darlon Stormshield

    Darlon was always considered an oddball among his fellow warriors due to the fact he can use two short swords incredibly well. THis skill came from Darlon's family line, A skill that every Stormshield mysteriously learns, how this happened remains a mystery.

    When he was 10, Darlon was training under the guidance of many warriors, where he learned various tactics including luring the enemy out and dodging. Every warrior training him was impressed with Darlon's learning capability.

    It wasn't long before distaster began to strike, an orc raid took the village by surprise killing 25% of their warriors in the ambush. The whole village struck back but the unexpected took place….There was an orcish wizard leading the raid.

    The village was completely shocked by this wizard's power....He took out most of the village's warriors with only a few spells! Desperate, the village decided to kill the wizard quickly; but the attack was in vain and the village's doom was at hand.

    Darlon (who was unaware of this at the time) became horrified once he saw what had transpired, however; he wasn't going down without a fight.

    He attacked the orcish army with all his might (despite his age, which was still 10) and was slain.....or at least thats what everyone thought.

    He was raised 8 years later, but by who is a mystery, he looked at his village which is now a smoking ruin, gathering his thoughts he fled his home and began his adventure.

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