Dyes, Dyes and more Dyes
Dwin stands on an empty box in the middle of the square
Folks of Jiyyd and Elsewhere!
For a limited time only, I got metal, leather and cloth dyes of every color o' da rainbow!
Come see me if yer interested. If ya want a new helm or suit of armor dyed, I will give you a good deal on both!
Come see me soon, they wont last long!
He steps down from the box and starts setting up a zig-zagging system of a waiting area, Disney style
- rumor has it that this handsome, well-to-do Dwarf can usually be found in Jiyyd during the afternoon and evenings of EST *
katey can be seen frequently inquiring about jiyyd and peltarch about times this dolvak can be found dyeing.. try's to leave a note at the exterminator but is seen rushing out with a dog snaping at her heels
Barquin witnesses the bantering and rushes up exclaiming proudly:
"Looks at my new armors! It's the prettiest in tha whole wide world. Mister Dolvak does it for me. I was worried he was gonna toss me like the dwarves do ta hins sometimes but no way… he was nice and all business. He makes me a nice pretty suit of armor and charge me a fair price. I's was worried 'cause I heard the prices of dye jobs around and I was 'fraid I didn't have enough gold. I was all happy 'cause Mister Dolvak is real cheap. He's my newest friend!"
Trying unsuccessfully to hide a smirk, Dwin points a thumb at his competition.
Milshot, I aint got no gold yet, and frankly i dont know when I will. I suggest ya browse the cheaper, yet grumpier competition 'ere and see if he can help ya out.
Milshot stands listening to the two banter back and forth all the while looking at his oddly colored plate armor
Which one o yas cin fix me farkin armor? ::glares at Dwin:: all me be needin now be gold color…
Overhearing this, Dwin chuckles
See? Aint it fun to work a market, lil fella?
Dwin turns back to his growin line of patrons
Merin shrugs and announces
"I will do the same jobs as Dwin, for twenty percent less gold."
One of Dwin's faithful customers tells him about the whining…
Dwin bursts into laughter
Is he kiddin? This is farkin SALES! Ya either compete, or ya sit in the corner and whine. I guess I know what he's doin.
If we're gonna start talkin' territories, there's gonna be a whole lotta unhappy independent crafters….I claim all of narfell as Union sales territory!
Dwin laughs at himself, perhaps a bit too hard, and walks off slowly, under the burden of his recent revenues.
Merin is heard commenting
"You'd think that a member of the Crafters Union of all things would have more respect for a salesmans territory."