The Summons of Master Woo Fen

  • **_…the cock crows, and you wake. You slide out of bed and slip gracefully across the sandalwood floor. You bow to the sun and whisper a prayer to the Morning Lord as you greet the day, then fall quickly back into a combat stance. Something is not as it should be. A quick scan of your spartan chambers reveals the oddity. There, lying next to your bed and only two feet from where your head sat on it's soft pallet, vulnable, sits a small missive tied with a red ribbon...

    ...the lizards always come at night. Which is as you commanded. It took some time to break them from the yuanti-control, but breaking is something you do well. With your hands. But tonight they are late. They arrive with your "delicacies", with your amusements, but they bring something else as well. They bow in complete subservience as you sit before them in lotus stance, and they deliver a missive tied with a red ribbon...

    ...a dozen youths sleep nearby. Today was a good day. Master Hedges herself visited the monestary and honored the novices with a lesson. But something is lacking, here. The years pass and you learn and grow wise but something is missing. Something compelling. As you meditate and ponder this you hear movement in the room. Your eyes blink open to spy a blur of movement, a man in crimson, flash through and out the open chamber door. By your side on your bedroll sits a tiny missive tied with a red ribbon..._

    A call spreads through the lands of Narfell. A call to those with unyielding inspiration, with talents and potential unmet. A call to monks, to martial artists, to philosophers of mind and body…a summons, to present themselves before the Master Woo Fen.**

    // ooc on
    Event will be short (by Narf standards). Two hours maximum.
    Date: Friday, september 9th
    Time: 10am-noon EST (9-11am Gobbletime)
    Previous event participation is not required.
    If you intend to participate, post here with your version of the above missive deliveries (related to your character) - keep it to one paragraph, please! 🙂
    Location will be posted here soon.
    // ooc off

  • Grandmaster Scutum prepares a minor disguise

  • **The summons comes once more. To warriors of the mind and body, to the spiritual and physical elite, a summons to… Oscura.

    Friday evening. Exact time will be revealed in Kuk's event thread in oscura.**

  • The light was too much on the new fallen snow. It pierced his eys and went right into his brain like a stilleto of energy. Staggerng he retreated into the cool dim light of the dojo but the pain did not subside. balance gone he could only growl in frustration as the day slowly drew on and passed.

    //ooc wind in area took out our power in the night so I did not get awaoken by the alarm and missed it, dammit.


  • D'Awe smiles, as though he expected the missive this very morning. "I tire of the dark' He murmers as he removes the blindfold and blinks back the tears. The words are too blurred to his long unused eyesight but with patience he waits until he can read it. Grabbing a few things he heads out the door and towards the pass that leaves Silver Valley, hoping to be on time.


  • Riderin wakes up to find the small message and makes a note in her mind to seek out this master if she is able.

    ((ill try and be there, lvl one monk))