• Amidst the chaos of the siege on the orc fortress, while Jiyyd was an abandoned town, two tall men in black and green plate mail entered and offered their aid to a foolish halfling who claimed himself a Legion scout.

    Zy'thyal and Elvin entered town soon after and together they and the two darkly clad men set off to the orc plains, where they slew many beasts of chaos only to find the gate to the orc hold locked.

    On what may appear to be an unrelated note to the untrained intellect, on the middle of the officers' table in the Troff Royal Legion Hall, two severed orc heads lay unceremoniously, dried blood all about them and small puddles of it on the stone floor. A message is scraped into the wood with what would appear to have been something like a rusty dagger or the rough spike on an iron gauntlet. It reads, "Good tidings, General Grag and the Troff Legion, from the church of the Black Lord."

    A rather messy and sarcastic olive branch, no?

  • //Couldn't be there, if it started at the exact time, I could have at least been there for all of it 😢

  • Sy'wyn is seen gathering supplies throughout Jiyyd, keeping a close eye on the menhir stones near the Jiyyd cave as he goes back and forth, then finally settles up near the temple in deep prayer, unsure if he should go out against the orcs, or stay and help with the destruction likely to be caused on the town by the orc's catapaults.

    //Not sure if i can make this one sadly. Pretty sure that Gobble has something big planned for the end, since the last one involved orcs chanting Grag the Coward!! :lol: //

  • Julian waxes his precious elven bow, then tightens the strings in his harp ready to inspire his allies in the battle. He then takes his notebook and quil pen ready to write another tale

  • ((…theres a war?))

  • That's 5am Saturday for you GMT folks.
    And 3pm Saturday for Kiwis and Ozzies, iirc.

  • Legion

    Sharpens axe Tonight is a for sure thing.. 12am est .. or 9pm pst 🙂 See anyone willling to die there :roll:

  • not clear..fridays night in euro time? ^^

  • ICC


    OK guys .. ORC NIGHT is friday night…

    *KULL raises his massive war axe real high and sets lose a wil roar that ecoes thro the surroundin areas, till the winndy plains, making the orcs wet their pants (if they have any) in complete panic * :twisted:


    KULL (Half orc barbarian, Training Officer in the Legion)

    “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”

  • Legion

    OK guys .. ORC NIGHT is friday night… Gobbletom dresses up as the king and his girlfriend dresses up as the queen and usually do some "role playing". So he thought he might as well make it A official night to end the wars.. 🙂 Let the "games begin" :evil: 8O

  • well school starts up again in a few days so weekends good for me 🙂

  • ICC


    Was hoping for this sunday!

    Works just fine for me!

  • Just give me date and time and i'll be there! 🙂

    Been wanting to get this Orc war over with for some time. 😛

  • Nalio would love to take part in it… if she's welcome...

  • Legion

    Was hoping for this sunday!

  • ICC

    Any week-end works for me… Mark the orc war day.. KULL WILL be there to crush some orcs!!! :twisted:

    KULL (Half orc barbarian, Training Officer in the Legion)

    “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”