Edict of the Inquisitor...

  • _By the will of the Tribunal;

    Let none who hold their lives dear tarry with the Well of Souls that illuminates our Great Chasm.

    A fate worse than death awaits those who tender the kisses of the Lost.

    Be justly warned, Children of Oscura._

    Lady Aspera Chillwind,
    Inquisitor of Oscura.

  • _By the Will of the Tribunal;

    Touch not the crystals but a glove. Risk ye the Land of the Great Light at your Peril. Creatures of the planes split from the air. The crystals sing a siren song that can lead only to destruction.

    Touch not the crystals but a glove.

    Be warned, Children of Oscura._

    Lady Aspera Chillwind,
    Inquisitor of Oscura