Trade of Labors

  • Small (but not unnoticable) parchment-borne advertisements appear around Oscura in places of frequent passage.



    Prices will very depending on capacity and training. Training programs include but are not limited to: agricultural seeding, tending, and harvest, bartending or waiting wenches or sirrahs, personal defense, stable tending, or companionship.

    Contact Lealac Coldwrath for detail.

    This advertisement posted with the permission of Coucilman Gedder.

  • _Keira lets it be known via conversation in the Coppers, the Library and the Banshee that there is a Loviatan Priestess willing to offer her services.

    If any require expert information retrieval or conversation facilitation from subjects, willing or unwilling, the priestess is contactable via Keira in the first instance._

  • (( I play Lealac Coldwrath, PM me in the forums for details if you are interested, or alternatively catch me up IG ))