Announcement to players in my events

  • DM


    I will be on the server at approx 5pm GMT next Saturday (3rd September) .

    If you have been involved in my events so far in recent weeks/months I would ask you to be there.

    Anyone intimately concerned with the Weave will find the event interesting, so all are invited of whatever flavour alignment and motivation.

    This approx time from now on each week will be scheduled for this event until its conclusion.

    There will/maybe other small things going on, so if you are involved, try to be logged in as much as possible, during weekend daytime GMT hours, and evening.


    DM Durandal

  • DM

    We will try again on this one… 5pm - 17th September Saturday (GMT).

    Just a general note to players on my events, if you are not there..... then things happen without you 🙂