A little girl named Clover

  • A little blue-haired, mocha toned half-elven girl in her early teens some know as Clover is seen running and playing with a number of the local children and some other unknown children with her. More than one of them might seem to be in some stage of having a little cold sine there's plenty of coughing and sneezing and wiping of noses on sleeves.

  • _One day duringone of Clover's many visitation with her new friends her own age, Clover herself seems a little too under the weather to play anymore.. So do jmanyof theother children, some of whome have been running over to the Menhir with Clover and walking right into the portal there. Yet teach small group or pairing who left that way always had Clover with them before they enteredt he portal inside the stones. Clover on this ne day guides the majority of the children to the active Menhir. They filter into the portal. Already havign ather her friends elsewhere in Narfell, Clover makes the same promise to the children in Norwick, who aren't coming with her, she made elsewhere that she'ld come back to play some mre once she was over her cold.

    She is thelast one to enter the portal adn the chidlren left behind scatter. Those with ready access to clerical care don't worry about their colds long.. The few who don't or wait toolong have more than a cold in store for them. And it isn't long before it spreads throughout Narfell's poor and less fortunate…_