Calling ALL Citizens...

  • Pretty Magic Girl C, in half-elf form, is een most often these days keeping prayer vigils to Selune around the Wwell and a few other place around Jiyyd at night. She prays for inight, interventinons, further blessings, anything Selune may bestow her to get Mojo's last missing piece in her hands at last.

  • ::Pretty Magic Girl C flies all around Jiyyd and the SIlver Valley selveral times over, calling out for Ginger.:

    Citizen G? Citizen G?:

  • A dark, quiet elf previously seen around the Gypsy Camp reads the messages, and nods. He watches gatherings of refugees from a distance. His face is mostly neutral, but resolute and righteous.

  • ::Having spoken to pretty power pixie C outside the gates today on the eastern road of Jiyyd, and finally hearing about her trying to restore the gyspie camp, Nathen Wingates told her that he'd be glad to help in any way he can, mostly by researching gnoll folklore in dusty old books, if he can actually find any. He points out that if they need to see him, to just come find him inside his roof-lacking, chair-lacking, wall-lacking Office, outside of Jiyyd on the Eastern Road… which is actually just a big ol' rock with a tent beside it, that he sits on::

  • Pretty Magic Girl C in natural pixie form or half-elf, can often be seen just sitting by Jiyyd Well, the one by the west gates. There she wil sit for hours it would seem, looking over a copied map and a few notes she's made herself.

    Prett Pixie C is a Power Pixie ot a battle planner. Pretty C knows there's no driving the gnolls out til can't cal on that Yeenoghu for help and bring demons and the maggots. But maybe…there 's a way to find out how I must talk to Citizen M of the Silver Valley.

  • Wog can be seen sitting around jiyyd talking to people who are helping Pretty C, Eventally he sits down, unsceths his greatsword and starts to sharpen it with a wry smile. He then heads to find more leigon memebers to help C go get Majo back despite how it sounds explaining it

  • ::Pretty Magic Girl C, in half-elf form (aka Cera) copies the map down onto some fresh parchment from the rare goods store::

  • A short while later the wall beneath the message is sketch on in charcoal. A rough map of the outer and inner camp areas showing the approximate locations of Gnoll patrols and a few big crosses with 'demun' written near them.

  • ::nests in Blueberry's hair
    DOOT da da DOO! yay! Alright. I definately need to make you an honorary Power pixie. At least while some of the other Power Pixies seem to be on vacation.. Can't shove the INifestation out without refinforcements.

    ::The writing that appears on the walls changes over time as Pretty C gains pledges of from many differeent Citizens, whether spoken or unspoken She still keeps up the various glowing writings, as many as she can remember to stay on top of::

    ::In that same graceful and flowing, glowing pastel rainbow script::

    _Pretty Magic Girl C gives thank yous to all who have heard her call for help. I still need more help if the last piece of Mojo, the Camp is to be taken back for good from those it does not belong to. Pretty C must warn those who want to help though, Yeenoghu is sure to devour more before we can shove the Infestation out of our home. The way Pretty C seees it, it's either risk them probably eating you now to shove them out or wait for them to come and DEFINITELY eat laterr and lose yet another home to them. Citizen K for Khaya suggests there is a way to maybe weaken them as a first step. That maybe if there be any shrines they use to power themselves or the demons they draw to them that maybe we could reconsecreate the Shrines or whatver they use. Pretty C doesn't know if they have any such thing But that's another thing Citizens can do to help. For now Pretty C needs all the upto date information on the gnolls and demons and Yeeenoghu she can find, so if you beleive you can sneak in and snoop around see what you can see or already have seen what you can see leave a message of what you have seen if you cannot find Pretty C to tl me in person. You can leave it in the most Regal Inn. Pretty C can retrieve it from there. Pretty C beleives Citizen A for Arandor would be a good Citizen to inform of anything you see as well. or Citizen Citizen T for Tala..any Citizen aslong as it reaches back to Pretty Magic Girl C to keep track of.

    Pretty Magic Girl C, Power Pixie_

  • A man in normal dark cloth clothing and a helm, that no ones sees him remove walks up and reads the notice, and disapears. He can be seen occaisionally sitting on the edge of town watching the events pass by the well and inn, almost as if waiting for something.

  • Star sit's a little confused and extremely tired and watches fromt he shadows. She made out most of the words, well some of the words, well a few, some of them were long and when she dounded them out didn't make words she knew and some were too sparkly and she forgot to read them watching them glimmer. She hasn't slept in days again, the dreams are too bad, no-one knows what she dreams, they all worry and watch and try to get her to sleep. Some have asked if it's the gnolls she see's but they are already three thoughts ahead before she shakes ehr head wearily. Three days without any sleep is alright, she's done more, almot nine once before she fell over in the snow at Da's feet. Sleeping scares her too much, when she sleeps she see's it again, what they did. Only a few fell, only a few were left behind in the rush to escape the camp. Some of the old, one of the young, an injured rom warrior or two and most of the camp dogs. Only a few were left behind in the rush to escape and she sat and she watched and she saw what became of them all. She was too scared to move from the tree she was in. Too scared to get down and defend them from demons the size of the tree itself. She knew she should. she was a wolf, a wolf defends those in the wilderness. But she didn't want to die, she didn't want them to do to her what they did to the others as she watched. And what could she do alone?

    So she sits as others gather around the rainbow writing and waits. She goes often to water the Dryad's tree, to watch the gnolls and their demonds, but she comes back and she watches people gather and waits.
    She will pay them back for what they did. She will redeem herself for what she couldn't do that night. And then maybe, she will sleep.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    ::blueberry salutes!::


    Citizen B reportin' fer duty, Pretty C!

  • Power Pixie C?

    Of course I will help her . . . .how coud I do otherwise?

    Nars Skald

  • The Camp was once my home and C looks like a nice girl…

    Lets go friends!! 😄 😄

  • ::The twinkling of an awfully familliar and annoyingly cheerful tune can be heard before the pixie is even seen arcing over the wall that she comes down to hover beside and check on one of her magical postings. This one hasn't faded yet but she knows it has been awhile since she put it there so, she transforms into relatively giant form of a half-elf. She casts a minor spell of Light twisting its words just a little to set her fingertip toglowing a pastel rainbow. In the middle of writing out her renewed message is the first time she relaizes she's not been alone this whole time. A bit occupied it seems she is but she smiles brightly to Arandor and Sama::

    Pretty C is SO happy tos ee you! I knew I could count on you Citizen A and S! Yes, Pretty C knew it. I don't know how many more soulls we willl ose to Yeenoghu before it is through and the Camp is ours again…because it wil be. But it wil be fewer lost than if I let the last missing piece of Mojo''s be lost forever.

    You go Citizen G!
    ::the pixie dances happy little spiralling circles around Ginger, trailing pixie dust everywhere::
    DOOT dad a DOO! Hmm I'm thinking i should make you sisterly Citizens honorary Power pIxies, maybe. I'lhave to task what the other Power Pixies what they think.

    ::nests in Zyphlin's hair::
    Perfection! Now…if only the gnolls and Yeenoghu would go quietly. Pretty C doesn't think they will. It would be nice though.

  • Written in blue lettering floating within the air for the pixie

    "I promise to provide positivily precise punctures producing pierced piles of pooch-like persons presiding power pixie C."

  • Ginger waves to Cera

    Citizen G here! I'll help ya get your home back. I'll put word out in the Silver Valley that you need our help. I'm sure lots of folks will answer the call.

  • Belade seems delighted at the news, and goes to look for other Gali.

  • Sama spends much of her waking hours either bothering Arandor about better conditions for the poorest of the romni or waiting quietly nearby for the apperance of magic C pretty girl ((er whatever))

  • ::Spending a great deal of his time in Jiyyd after the fall of the Romani camp… Arandor spies the strange magical writing, seeming confused by it at first, realization slowly sets in as he reads on. Frowning slightly and shutting his eyes tight as if to force out his thoughts::

    "I failed my family, and the Rom… You can count on my help Cera, Mojo... Pretty C... Whoever you are... For whatever I may be worth."

    ::He then spends most of his time in Jiyyd loitering around the magic writing, in hopes of speaking with 'Pretty C'::