*Letter sent ot the magristrates of peltarch*

  • Legion

    legion seal stamped to it

    Dear sirs an madams,
    Dis be yer freindly neeghbur heed uf defense for jiyyds… I have a pruublem wit sum of yer citizens an wanted ta let ye know... seems der be banites within yer walls sayin dey be citizens un by the name of Laeluc or an the tuha be allanon... both laughed after banites attacked our fine farmin town at me.. Banites are nae weelcum in Jiyyd I wuld strungly recomend ye keep those murderin bastads out uf yer town as weel I gave them a guud talkin wit my axe it was close to yer town outside yer walls if der was any stains to de concretes let me know I be glad ta pay fer it to be cleaned. Hope dis infermatun heelps you freinds to the north, may Tyr guide yer paths!
    General Grag

  • Magistrate barrim replies back asking the sender to report to the city to give a full account of the problems and events he reports.