The attack of the giants

  • A group of four people made a travel to Ormpur not too long ago. The group, consisting of two hins, Yarchum and Gonnar, a half-elf mage, Yolanda, and an elf paladin, Belade, made good way….'till they stumbled into a giant. With great courage, they fought with it, and in the end, defeated it. The head of the giant was removed, and they dragged it back to Jiyyd on a make-shift stretcher, and deposited outside the west gate. Not long after they arrived there, a great roar was heard to the east, and not much after, the attack of the giants began. A couple of waves were held back, but when more and more of the great creatures arrived, the defenders had to withdraw into town. Here they were helped by a couple of adventurers who had just recently arrived, and they fought the giants to a standstill. Negotiations begun, and the head of the killed giant was returned to his kin. After this, the leader of the giants asked for the life of the giant's killer. The paladin, Belade, sacrificed her life, by stepping out of the gate unarmed, and letting the blows of the giant rain down on her, without fighting back, even going so far as to asking Sune's forgiveness for the giants. Her sacrifice was in vain however, for even after her death, the fight continued, as the defenders chased the giants. When she and the others were returned to life, she was outraged over this, having heard what happened from one of those who had fallen after she sacrificed herself. In the following days, she is often seen praying for guidance by her goddess, Sune, and training, to regain her lost strength and faith.

    //a big thanks to Corvus for this great event 🙂 Even though my character died at the end, I had a blast. My apologies to the players of the characters who were killed for dragging the head back to town 😛

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    you forgot to say Gonnar killed the first giant…. 😄 😄

    ((ops it's me, Gonnar, but i forgott that i was logged with my brothers account.... ¬¬ ))

  • //edited….now...some ic comments? 😉

  • ((damn snobbish elves … Grivel wouldn't like that! shakes an ooc fist )) 😉

  • //She's an elf. To her, all you halfers are human.

  • ((half elven, not human