Feste Be-Dictor

  • _The header of these small fliers, which begin to circulate among some of the less-virtuous in Peltarch, reads "Festival of the Tyrant" in Infernal, pronounced Feste Be-Dictor.

    The entirety of the flier is written in Infernal, and it conveys the following messages.

    The location of this gathering is to be the temple at Oscura. All those faithful or prospective are welcomed to attend. The attendance of those adverse to the faith will invariably lead to their swift apprehension and subsequent use as bait in the calling forth of a great and terrible devil, so that not only will they die, but they will further contribute to the great "evil" in Narfell, so it would behoove them not to attend. The date of this gathering shall be Flamerule 3, 1468 DR at high noon. Extra-planars are welcome and encouraged to attend._

    <ooc>The RL date/time for this gathering is TBA. If you think your character would like to attend and you don't have access to this forum, send me a PM.</ooc>

  • Barrim whilst in the records of the magistrates notices the recent entry of zyphlins submission of evidence, and goes to speak with Zyphlin to see if he can explain this garbled, seemingly coded message.

    "you're the language expert zyphlin, know what this one is?"

    Barrim makes a note of the date and time of zyphlins submission of the evidence and goes back to his other caseload.

  • Being a lot more in touch with the non-virtuous people than Zyphlin, Elissa eventually ends up with one of the notes, frowns at the language it is written in and prepares a small spell to be able to read it. A slight grin spreads momentarily on her face as she reads through the lines, then she lets the note disappear.

  • Every one of these seen by Zyphlin is confiscated with a statement of "evidence"