Elriens Real Past
_Those that know Elrien, and know of his past, believe that is his only past. Though those that are close to him, he may tell them of his actual past…
He comes from an unknown forest to the Far Eastern woods of Neverwinter. He was born to the Elven Lord Elriad and Lady Gwelindale. Born as siblings to him were his two brothers, Elfad and Eren, as well as his beautiful sister Glefin.
His people were skilled in the mastery of the bow, for that is what they had always used. These Elven Rangers were no ordinary Rangers. They were assasins. Those that entered their woods never came out. They would know of your existence inside their woods the minute you stepped in, and by the first few minutes, there would be several in the treetops above you.
His people did not want the outside world knowing of their existence, for they wanted to be not known. Though, on occassion, some of the Elves would leave for a short time, for the Elves challenged many warriors, rangers, anyone who would face them.
Not one of his people were ever lost in a duel. Being as discrete as they were, they were quite wealthy, considering they did not interact with the outside world other then to fight those that challenged them.
Elrien first begun using his bow at the age of five, for his people were at war with two creatures: The Orcs, and their own bretheren, the Drow. His people were followers of Corellon, the Father of the Elves.
Elrien grew up in the training of his archery skills with his close friend Arinal. They set out to hunt down Orcs, being of only fifteen whence they did. Many years passed on, as Elrien grew older and wiser. By the time he was thirty, Elrien had surpassed already many of the great Rangers of his people, that had trained for over seventy years, himself only thirty.
One night, as all was quiet, scouts told of a large band of Orcs coming from the North. Immediatly the Elven Rangers Elite Squad took out, running through the city at the treetops, while all others sat above, ready to fire upon the Orcs.
As Elrien came out from his home, he looked around, and quietly followed the Elite Squad out. What he saw was beyond what he could imagine. Ten thousand at least, armed Orcs were storming and burning the woods as they came. Then the sound was yelled out: "Fire!"
The Orcs looked about, though did not expect an attack from above. Arrows flew through the air, piercing the Orcs armour. The Orcs began to get frantic, as they started into a full speed charge towards the Elven city. The Elite Squad fired their arrows, taking down numerous Orcs, though not near enough to stop them, for yet another brigade of at least ten thousand came soon after, and the Elite Squad was forced to retreat.
Back in the city, as the Orcs came from below, arrows flew down upon them, killing them in seconds. Once the second brigade of Orcs came, they knew this was going to be a long night. The Elite Squad had come down onto the forest grounds, knocked their arrows into place, and on the mark of fire, they fired their arrows.
Immediatly hundred Orcs dropped dead, as they kocked another arrow, firing again, killing another hundred. Elrien did not believe what was happening. Then a third briage came, though not entirely of armed Orcs, some being ladder carries and torchers.
The Elves from above fired upon the torches as best they could, though not all were defeated. The torchers began throwing their torches around on the forest floors, smoke rising in dark clouds, as the sounds of Orcs dieing were heard. As the smoke blinded the Elite Squad, the Orcs came upon them.
The sounds of dieing Elves were heard from below, as Elrien, ducked from a swing, rolled out of the way, and quickly ascended into the city by rope. He climbed onto the bridge which led from the Northern outpost to the city, and fired upon the Orcs from above. As the third briage of Orcs drew in to mix with the other brigades, their archers came out.
Bolts flew through the air up to the Elves above, and moans of pain and agony were heard, as the Elves were struck. Elrien ran and ducked from several arrows, until he found his two brothers.
Eren was firing down upon the Orcs, being the second best Ranger in the family, next to Elrien. Elfad and other Elves had begun setting up the retreat to the Southern forests, where there other city was. His sister and family went along with this group, led by the remaining of the Elite Squad, once a force of one thousand, to a force of less then four hundred.
Elrien and the others backed up the retreat, coming down from the Southern Outpost to the forest floor, hiding in the bushes. As they watched the Orcs burn and torch their city, Elrien and his two brothers, along with several hundred other Elves, knocked their arrows.
Elrien looked down the line to his right, then to his left, seeing as there was no commander, he issued the call. "Fire!" The Orcs looked to the call, their eyes widening in fear, as several hundred arrows flew towards them, killing at least three hundred Orcs.
The Elves slowly backed up, firing as they knocked their arrows, Orcs chasing them though falling. Then the Orc boltsmen came, firing their bolts from the sides of the Elves. The Elves quickly fired upon them, though forty of the Elven Rangers lay dead.
Elrien called out the retreat call, as the Elves ran down South as fast as they could while bolts flew through the air at them. Elrien ducked as a bolt just flew over his head, then heard the gruesome sound of an Orc bolt piercing a head, as he looked to his right, expecting to see Eren, but saw someone else.
He looked back and saw Eren lay there, downed by an Orc bolt to the back of the head, as Elrien and the others continued to run. Once they had entered the clearing between the Northern and Southern woods, the Elite Squad of the Southern Woods city came out, knocked their arrows, and covered the retreat.
As Elrien glanced back, the Orcs which came out of the forest died in seconds, twenty arrows piercing each one by the time it hit the ground. The Orcs fully retreated, as the Elite Squad returned.
The casualties of the attack were grevious, as estimated several thousand were killed. The years passed on, as his father and mother, along with his siblings, grieved over the loss of Eren. The Northern Woods were now fully destroyed, burned down to nothing.
The Southern Woods city grew larger by day, as the Elves built a wooden wall all about the outside of the forest, posting the Elite Squad around the walls. Many years went by, as Elrien and his brother Elfad continued training with their bows.
The Southern Woods interacted with the outside world far more then the Northern Woods did. As Lord Elriad, Elriens father, who was Lord of the Northern Woods bought new bows and armour for the Northern Woods Rangers, they became greater then ever before.
As Elrien reached one hundred years of age, the second biggest tragedy in his life would come. As night fell, the horns of the Drow were heard, fear striking the Elves, as they glanced Westward. An army of Drow were making their way towards them.
Elrien and Elfad ran to the West Wall, along with the rest of the Elves, knocking their arrows, as the commander of the Elite Squad yelled out: "Fire!" Arrows hurled through the air, falling down upon the Drow, as many fell, though seem to just keep on marching closer.
The Elven Rangers knocked their arrows again, firing them, killing another several hundred Drow, but the Drow kept marching closer. As Lord Elriad and Lord Aerolen watched on from their thrones, they began to get a bit scared, seeing so many Drow fall, yet no morale defect to the Drow.
As the Rangers knocked their arrows again, one ran by with fire, as their arrows caught on fire, firing them. The Drow did not expect this, as they gazed upon the thousands of fire arrows decending upon them, then ran, but couldn't run fast enough.
The fire burned the rest of that army, causing a wall of fire stretching for a hectare in length. just then the sounds of dieing Elves were heard Northwards, as Drow archers fired upon them. The Elves quickly positioned themselves, firing at the Drow archers.
Arrows flew from both sides, both sides losing men, as Elrien ducked from an arrow several times. He looked to his side to Elfad, watching him fire an arrow, then fired an arrow for himself. He then heard that same sound he had heard seventy years earlier, as his eyes widened, looking to his side.
Elfad had been struck in the chest deeply by a poison arrow, as Elrien quickly, pulling it out, but it was to late. Elfad lay dead a few seconds later. Elrien continued to fire upon the Drow archers ntil they retreated, taking the lives of five hundred Elven Rangers, in the cost of one thousand, three hundred of their own.
The cleansing of the town began the next day, as the dead Elven bodies were given each proper burial. The next year, Elrien decided to leave. He had seen to much blood shed of his people. Himself and several other Elves decided to travel off, and they did so one night.
They snuck off in the dead of the night. As they travelled down a nearby river southbound, they came across a ship docked, and the sounds of pirates were heard. As the Squad of Elven Rangers approached the ship sneakily, they heard the sounds of ladies being tortured and raped.
They snuck onto the ship, killing those above deck steathily, as Elrien threw a body down the stairs to the other pirates, who yelled and drew their swords, just what Elrien wanted. The minute they were all on deck, the arrows pierced them, as the pirates soon fell. Elrien and several other helped the ladies out of the ship.
The ladies thanked them, and the Elves said they would take them a short ways to the nearest city, then depart. And so they did that, most of the Elves went to Waterdeep with the Elves, though only fifty went with Elrien, for he seeked a place he had heard of.
As they stepped foot into Narfell, they came across the Elven Camp in the Rawlinswood. All the Elves other then Elrien settled there. Elrien headed Northbound through Norwick, then headed East once he got to the Crossroads, reading the sign. North: Peltarch, East: Jiyyd, South: Norwick, West: Gypsy Camp.
Elrien went eastward towards Jiyyd, and as he entered the town, he knew this would be the place where he would live until his days were over..
((Hope you enjoy, mind you I did this at 4:30 in the morning so, if its crappy, thats why