Tarius Blakely

  • Login: rudiblack
    PC: Tarius Blakely

    From his earliest recolections, Tarius was always ensorceled by the tracks left by various animals and humans alike. Whether it was a deer's two pronged track or a horse's shod print, Tarius could not help following to see where they lead. In his childhood, this lead to him having to explain himself many a times to his parents. Punishments were exacted on him regularly, but still he continued to follow tracks at his heart's content.

    Then one day, when Tarius was only twelve years of age, a strange woodland priest came to the area surrounding his tiny village. This priest was secretive and solo, only speaking to villagers in brief conversations. Tarius decided to follow this fellow one day. He let the stranger get a good headstart and began following with all his skill.

    After a few hours, Tarius was surprised when the stranger suddenly appeared from behind a tree while he was bent over studying his tracks.

    "Why do you follow me so persistantly young fellow?" Said the man.

    "I like following tracks sir," Was Tarius' meek reply

    The man merely smiled and motioned for him to follow. Tarius looked around and did so. He followed the man to a small clearing in the woods. The man bent over to study the ground and motioned for Tarius to come closer. Tarius did so and imediately saw the set of tracks. They looked like a set of dog tracks, but larger.

    He explained to Tarius how they were wolf tracks and how he could tell the difference between them and dog tracks not only by the size but by other means. Tarius listened with interest and ended up spending the rest of the day with the man who called himself Sherro. Upon returning home that evening, Tarius again was punished for his wandering off.

    Tarius spent the rest of that summer meeting with Sherro almost daily. Not only did Sherro teach Tarius of tracking, but also of his god Gwaeron Windstrom. It was obvious to Tarius that was who he would follow from then on. He ceaselessly spent time honing his tracking and wilderness skills and decided in years to come that he would devote his life to The Master of Tracking.

    So Tarius loyaly follows the ways of Gwaeron Windstrom, the Tracker Who Never Goes Away.

  • Reviewed - XP Pending.