Stegadon eats guards

  • ::standing at the south gate amidst the crunched remains of two of Jandor's guards, two Norwickian commonfolk, and the splayed open carcass of a stegadon, Milshot angrily looks to those gathered and gawking at the gore. Several brave warriors stand amidst the gore as well, tending to wounds and talking among themselves::

    If any ya be knowin 'ow this farkin ting ::motions angrily to the slain beast:: maked it way ta Nor'ick then ya bess be speakin up! Only other place me e'er seen em be way out in the rawlins, way out east. Methinkin it prolly not juss -wanderin- up 'ere lookin fer some folk ta chew on so it prolly chased one o ya's 'ere an me wantin ta know who it be!

    ::he moves and walks along, looking into the faces of those gathered::

    The farkin ting done smashed two o Jandor's guards and two in'cent folk tha juss 'appened ta be in the way not ta mention it almos' killin a few more folk as we was tryin ta kill it… some'un gonna be in trouble an me wantin names NOW!!!

  • ::sets of in search of the dwraf called Rufus Two-tooth after he is fingered for causing the trouble::

    Crazy fark be bringin somethin like tha inta town… gonna pay fer tha

    ::stomps off::

  • Oreth returns, and begins dragging the animal, in pieces if necessary, out of the gates to build a funeral pyre for it. When he reaches the piece the hin rests in, he frowns, and starts dragging it anyway

    You may wish to move before I begin lighting the fires.

  • After the battle, a small black-clad hin made herself a cozy place in the animal's belly. She claimed that it was nice and warm and cozy and fun there.

  • Oreth catches word, and begins looking for the two-toothed dwarf for some divine retribution of the high-voltage variety

  • OM jsut shrugs and points at the dwarf, Rufus Two-Tooth
    "He said it followed him in to town"