Cike's Log

  • In child like handwriting the first page begins: there seem to have been many attempts at writing Cike Millant, as well as Silmathienia’s Ka’Lin, finally a notation

    Must praktis moor, thank Dreelan foor book.

    A few more pages of practice and there is some improvement on grammar and with letters if not spelling slowly it becomes easier to read

    Kell a wolf paw print is made next to it

    A list of names follows, a title at the top denotes these people he must not forget

    To me, you, I, foorget after die, do not forget. an arrow is drawn to the list of people on the previous page Do not forget people. Youre light is Sil, remmembur that the next few words looks as if a full minute was spent carefully tracing each word and letter You lov Sil her name is underlined, she is your lite.

    Must ask Sil to tech me to rite beter. this line repeats getting better and better if not in spelling

    the next few pages contain daily activities and the antics of Kell his hunts and his growing concern about the saurus’ in the Rawlins, he gets better and better, and often makes notations of their movements

  • the child like handwriting shows some improvement but not much

    I haf to tel her soon. But I am afrad to. I do not even kno wat is hapining any moor. It is all my falt. I want it to be the Lich but I fear it is me. And if it is me, than that pain is far greter than if it was the Lich. I can plac no blam on any one but I. The gult eats at my heart and I pray for relese. Agan I shame I. Never will I leve her? What is wrong with I? Who am I? Am I just a Madman?

    more is writen then crossed out and fustrated stabbing can be seen flecks of ink spatter about the page before this section ends with a simple repeated line:

    I am sorry Sil.

  • The handwriting childish again looks like the first page’s attempts at the written word shaky at best and hard to make out and dirt and mud stain the page

    So tyred, arm num but not hurt by bugbears. Feel in dreem but awake. Dont like magic words, bury book, hide from bugbears try agan. Cant heel Nobanion wont bles me. Why? Geting cold agan. If found the next line is carefully written Silmanthienia I love you I am sory.

    The rest of the book is blank

  • A page written in perfect hand writing, runs out of ink it seems to be torn from the book and crumpled then smoothed out and replaced back where it was torn from. On it is written a single sentence repeated over and over. Drops of tears are evident on the page

    You are a coward Cike Millant, your forest burns your kin are mine.

    The next page explains the last page again in the child like handwriting, with the same water marks staining the page

    He is rite, I am a coward. My hand shaks it is no longer my own. He is doing this. I must leve, I dont want to hert anyone I love. He will try to hert you all I nowe it. Sil I need you, I am so scard. Help me. Must go away must fle Narfell. Cant let him do this, I am sorre Sil I am week. I cant let him hert you.

    Blood is crusted on the lower half of the next page, some splotches covering the childish hand writing

    Bugbears to tuf hurt me bad, feel so week, cant get away. Dreams worse, feel not self. Harder to leve Narfell than geting here. Try agan tomorow to tyred now, need to rest.

    written in blood the next page is again in the elegant handwriting although the letters and words are thick and haunting

    Coward, run or stay, I am here. The Demons of the past never give up the hunt.

    Arcane symbols are written underneath in blood and fill the rest of the page giving off a haunting glow. To those with arcane abilities it is a simple tracking spell to make whatever the glyph is written on as much of a beacon as a lighthouse is to a ship

  • It is hard to make out underneath all the ink that crosses the sentence out but in an eerily perfect hand writing the following is written

    The Demons of the past never give up the hunt

    the child like handwriting continues again

    Silmathienia … the dreems return, wer are you? Searced RAlins for you can’t find you. The emptynes grows. I know he is here he is here with me and he is behind this. I sleep but feel not refresed. I wake and I am not wer I was. Dreem less nites I wake empty. I chant xplan it and I fear the worst. He hants me still, I thoot I coold stop here, I thoot I coold be happy. All has been so kind to me, I dont want to go I don’t want to run away again. Silmathienia I-

    The "I" seems to drag on then as if the quill had a mind of its own sharply flies from the last letter to the edge of the page, there are a few flecks of blood on the bottom of the page