Letters Delivered to Dignitaries

  • Letters on fine parchment with the seals of SpellWeaver and House Ashald arrive to:

    Zyphilin Recual - Headmaster of the Bardic College
    Anakore - Captain of the Knights of the Cerulean Stars
    Daisy Millerne - Hight Priestess of Tyr
    Mariston Thel - Order of the Divine Shield
    Vaster Ashald - High Councilor of the Seafarers
    Each of the Senators still in Office
    Kaster Lavindo - General of the Defenders
    Vick Dunderston - Captain of the Guard

    Dearest Esteemed Leaders of Peltarch:

    I bring you the greetings of the Mages of Spellweaver Keep. It is with great pride and excitment that I announce today the appointment of the officials of the Keep to you.

    Aleum Kuuma, has been named Keeper of Spellweaver. Serving as his right hand will be Chaevre Valen as Headmistress of the Keep. Elvadriel will be serving as Headmistress of the Academy.

    I, Arien Ashald, will be the Keeps Envoy to Peltarch. The Keeper has asked me to inform each of you that groups wishing to renew ties with Spellweaver are to do so through me post haste. The Keeper nor the Headmistress of the Keep will discuss diplomatic affairs unless a conversation has been held with me, and I will make the appointment for you.

    I look forward to working with each of you.

    In the Light of Siamorphe's Eye,

    Lady Arien Ashald
    Envoy of Spellweaver to Peltarch
    Professor of Evocation

  • Hearing from the Keeps Librarian that Barrim was looking for the Senator Mildsilver. Arien pens a letter.

    Dear Magistrate Asbravn,

    I have heard you are seeking the Senator Mildsilver. I am afraid he has disappeared. Also, you may have heard of the letters delivered to various dignitaries throughout the city.

    The Office of the Magistrate was not included in the list of letters, because your office is guaranteed the continuing support and assistance of the Spellweaver Keep. Simply feel free to contact us when you need our assistance.

    In the Light of Siamorphe's Eyes,

    Lady Arien Ashald

  • Magistrate Barrim hears rumours and sees messengers from spellweaver arrive, handing over letters to various folk known to him and is rumoured to be somewhat offended and appauled that he was not included on said communications.

    Not having seen Evendur for some time, he heads to Spellweaver to see if he can locate the Senator.

  • Ironically enough, a copy of the letter finds its way to Evendur's office for whatever reason, where it joins an ever-increasing pile of the vanished Senator's unread mail.