One dark night.

  • A tall, dark haired man wearing golden chain is seen bearing the body of a young, red haired, dark armoured woman in his arms. Apart from many cuts her left leg is bloody and shattered.

    The man came from western gate and slowly made his way to the temple with a grave look upon his face. He left the temple on his lonesome.

  • ICC

    After earing Kael explanation, Kull sets loose a wild roar, and storms towards the kobold territory, for some pay back

    KULL (Half orc barbarian, Training Officer in the Legion)

    “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”

  • Kael who is carrying Mel allmost drops her as Kull yanks him by his cloth..

    k… k... kobolds he stammers as he again gains control over her body she fell fighting valiantly.. and I.... I... could'nt help her he adds as a tear run down his cheek

    then he starts for the temple again, slowly..

  • ICC

    kull watches the man bearing a corpse. at first sight kull just lookek at the corpse, but he turns his head the other side. But in the same second he turns his head the other way, he emediatly looks at the corpse, obviously recognising something in it. He aproaches this man, carfull lifts up the corpse´s head and realises that the corpses is from his long time friend melanie
    Mell…. kull said what happend, tells me what happend to her!!! kulls sayd to the man grabbing him by the clouth

    KULL (Half orc barbarian, Training Officer in the Legion)

    “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”