Help me help you
Alright everyone, I'm going to be helping out as much as I can in Oscura now that it's linked, hot and ready. I'm going to be running a few things here and there but it's still pretty much Kuk's show so things may change at any moment.
In the meantime though I want to run a little experiment. Please keep in mind that this is only one guy behind the helm so don't get all up in my crack about what you want now now NOW.
I want all the dark minds of Oscura to post here what they would want for THEIR characters, not for the city, not for the way the city is run or will be run or who has what or does what, but what you would PERSONALLY like for your character in this city.
I want to get an idea of where the player's mind is at.
Feel free to be creative but don't get ridiculous on me.
Examples could be…..
You want to run a drug trade, slave trade, work at one of the city establishments, be an assasin (no you don't have to have the class title for this) be an informant, a bodyguard, a bouncer, an information specialist, a spy, hell a delivery boy, whatever.
If your character is "secret shady" send me a PM. Don't expect anything right NOW, but I want you guys to have fun in Oscura's dark and dangerous streets.
Hint: The less your desired "proffesion" relies on DM assistance the more fun it will be in the long run. Not saying it shouldn't require it, but the more you can do on your own the more you'll have fun with it...believe me.
Work with other players. If two or three of you are interested in being things that can coordinate, work it out amongst yourselves and then let me know.
I'll be watching to see what you peeps come up with. Just remember this is Kuk's show so this may change suddenly.
Keira has now moved to Oscura and trains at the monastery. As a tolerant individual, she respects the following of both Bane and Shar despite resisting outright conversion to them. She's loyal, obedient and morally flexible but most of all she's not actually demonstrated that she's clever enough to be manipulative in her own right.
If anyone needs a rent-a-minion who's not currently banned from any of the surface towns and who can run real fast if need be, she's a good choice.
Ive been gone for a bit im justing posting because im bored why is it called oscura. I thought it was arnath.
I've seen most of you IG. Good to see we have similar play time slots. I'll need to see the lot of you more in Oscura before I can get to the plot deliveries, but I'm listening :twisted:
Keira is fundamentally a bit lost, looking for something to be a part of. She was just getting close to the way things worked in Arnath before it fell and is a frequent visitor to Oscura.
Most of the time she's not sure what she wants, but it could be generalised as companionship, acceptance, family. So far the people that offer the illusion of that solidarity have been… well... not Good people, hence her attraction to Arnath and its denizens.
Zyph, will have to meet about furthering the will of Shar
There is a quiet elven girl who would certainly like to help and would be delighted to find her place in a temple.
Examples could be…..
You want to run a drug trade, slave trade
A certain group I may or may not be affiliated with has been toying with such things. Hopefully Oscura will make it easier.
Will send a PM with the details, as its possibly long and personal. lol
The basics are that Dania, as a member of the tribunal sees herself in a defenders role. In fact in past arnath attacks she will have been seen issuing orders to all and sundry to co ordinate the defense.
the rest is in the PM.
I'll do the simple ones here since some are private.
Further the will of Shar within the city
Protect oscura.
Secure his temple and religion within the city.
All of this he hopes to accomplish by the creation of the his Order, a protective knightly order of followers of dark gods within oscura. ((think divine shield but without that ugly ugly armor they first had
Thanks Wykith, Will do
The Nameless Monk sought out strength when she left the haven of the Four Winds Monestary and the teachings of Scutum Hedges. She sought it, and found it, beneath the earth in a city where power and discipline ruled. The agent of the Tyrant Lord, taught the dictates of the Iron Fist since her youth and since the murder of her worthless family by the will of the Black Hand, seeks always to develop her personal skill to the point of mastery. She scorns weakness, in others and in herself, and left the walls of Peltarch when her estwhile allies there (The Blood Spiders) became a perceived ineffective force.
Her self control has made her enemies amongst the emotionally-driven surfacers, particularly the irrational and bloodthirsty druids' circle, but so too has it caused like-minded agents to join her in various causes.
She has had dealings with the Merchant Lord Nico and knows of his private training, has worked with the Former Norwick Captain Rando and saved his life once (in doing so she gained, besides his loyalty, a large sum of coin and managed to ridicule a cleric of Light that had fled and left Rando behind), and travelled extensively with the dark druid Amerien before his returned to the circle.
The Nameless Monk joined the Tribunal to strengthen the weakening city. She devoted her time to training the guards and gathering a following of students to learn the ways of the Iron Fist, culmonating in the construction of the Monestary of the Hand of Iron in Oscura.
Her only other ambition within Arnath had been to assume the mantle of High Assassin of the Triumvirate, planning to use the extra resources to eliminate surfacer threats to Arnath, herself, and the other Tribunal members.
Ace, Kuker is handling that aspect of Oscura so your best bet is to contact him.
Cray, thanks, that's exactly the kind of info I'm looking for.
Cray Vincint has been working for the Tribunal for well over a decade in game. Though Cray prefers the political intrigue, negotiation, deal making, and other such ambassador / representitive type work. Cray see's himself as a man that will get the job done when required. Whatever the task may be. As the "Hand" of the Tribunal. So to speak.
Cray also has an affinity for security related matters, personal protection, strategy, investigation, threat / risk assessment, the tactics of cold and hot war. Cray though he is well suited for and enjoys one on one combat. He doesn't fight so well in a crowd of opposition. He consideres himself hired brains as opposed to hired braun. In past body guarding jobs for senators and other well to do's. Cray is the one planning escape routes, securing the venue before the arrival of the VIP, watching the crowds, and having spells on the ready for evading and escaping danger.
Cray between big jobs is pretty much a scavenger. Scouring the land, selling what he finds. Or little things like buying the drink "Imagination" in Peltarch, then pushing it on people in Norwick and Jiyyd for an obvious increase in price. Just in general hanging around, looking and waiting for oppourtunites to turn a profit.
Cray also really likes the "Board of Bounty".
((A good way to give Oscurians tasks they can do at their leisure and without direct DM supervision. This also sometimes brings people to work togeather in a goal. Also sometimes they work against each other to get it done first. Makes for good RP and community interaction.))
I think it would be cool to become part of the Oscura Guard, if that's possible of course…Maybe we could have something almost like the Norwick Militia or the Peltarch Guard, but for Oscura. If it's possible let me know...