Evec Baudelaire.

  • Full name: Evecard Baudelaire. (Eh-veh-kard Boh-dah-lare) – Evec. (Eh-vek)


    Current Age: Twenty three human years. (23)

    Class: Spellsword.

    Current Occupation: Aspiring, self-employed Journalist.

    Attitude: Good natured and generally care-free, Evec is an easy going fellow. Almost always speaking in perfect common, (or at least thinking he does.) A polite individual. His demeanor hints interest and curiosity, however you can't help but wonder if something darker lurks behind those wryly amused, orange-greenish eyes of his.

    Appearance: His eyes, presenting a keen intellect, are a strange mixture of oranges and greens. His hair is dark, thick and generally well kept. He walks with a dexterious, humble grace. His muscle mass is modestly impressive, although not at all imposing. He wears well kept clothing, which is clean.

    Equipment worn: Generally wearing light armor, he relies much on his grace to avoid blows or protect himself. He carries a longsword, which attached to a casual system of leathery belts around his waist. On his back, strapped and sheathed is a greatsword, clean and sharp.

    Dogma (Oghma): Knowledge, particularly the raw knowledge of ideas, is supreme. An idea has no weight, but it can move mountains. The greatest gift of humankind, an idea outweighs anything made by mortal hands. Knowledge is power and must be used with care, but hiding it away from others is never a good thing. Stifle no new ideas, no matter how false and crazed they seem; rather, let them be heard and considered. Never slay a singer, nor stand by as others do so. Spread knowledge wherever it is prudent to do so. Curb and deny falsehoods, rumor, and deceitful tales whenever you encounter them. Write or copy lore of great value at least once a year and give it away. Sponsor and teach bards, scribes, and record keepers. Spread truth and knowledge so that all folk know more. Never deliver a message falsely or incompletely. Teach reading and writing to those who ask (if your time permits), and charge no fee for the teaching.