A duel took place

  • Oreth with his known hatred for Rando challenged Rando to a fight. Rando was only to pleased to accept the challenge.

    The fight took place just outside the gates so as not to break any town laws on fighting. Rando thought the duel would be one against one, but Oreth brought another to aid him in the fight, a Spider. It mattered not to Rando how many Oreth brought.

    The duel begun, but it was a short fight with Rando dispatching the spider and Oreth in little time. Rando was not even struck in the fight. The duel was witnessed by many people and all agree that the fight was carried out with Honour. Oreth beaten he sadly continued to insult Rando much to the disaproval of those watching. Rando warned him that to carry on insulting him, next time he would not grant him mercy and spare his life. Rando was seen heading back to town smiling.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    When word of the rumour reached the elf Ethrun's ear, he only muttered one word in response…

  • Stomping through Jiyyd, lugging a huge bag that clanks gracelessly with every swaggering step, Mercy hears the scuttlebut o' the landsman crew, wi' a wanion, an' wonders why she has been granted to some pox-ridden, sow-worrying tree hugger. Her confusion continues long, long down her weary road…