The SD Clan is seen...... partying
The Slaughtered Duergar are seen partying near Norwick around a large Bonfire. Drinking, gambling, and having a good time while a few play a Achordian, Bagpipes, and a fiddle, the clan breaks into song…
_"See us! Fear us! Hear us roar!
We're always ready for a war!
A dozen ales and then ten more!Made up of dwarf, elf, gnome and man!
We are the Slaughtered Duergar Clan!We run! We fight! We laugh and shout!
We always let our feelings out!
Up fer fun and fearing nowt!We kill every grey-dwarf we can!
We are the Slaughtered Duergar Clan!Kin to kin we're always true!
You fark with us, we'll fark with you!
And leave yer dead an' all yer mates too!We don't take crap from any man!
We are the Slaughtered Duergar Clan!
Come an' have a go if yer think yer can!
We are the Slaughtered Duergar Clan!"_and with that the dwarves all take a chug of ale and continue the party.
((Thank you katebush for writing this great song I appreciate you spending your time doing this thanks))
Tamorian "Pinky" of the slaughtered Duergar clan, is the only one who is not seen Actively participating in the merry ment of his kin, rather he sits quite grumpily red faced and screaming at his Kin to quite the fark down as he reads and takes notes in a tome, or tries his hardest to refuse the ale his kin try to ram down his throught in thier drunken stuppor.
Lilly smiles and claps along, spending more time in Norwick again, though she refrains from joining in
(another excellent song Katebush, totally amazing writer)
Red John ambles by, hears the music and comes right up to the fire. Filling his lungs with a double load of Norwick's finest air, he attempts to follow along.
Moments later the guards come running, asking who was strangling Fine's Yak.
((great song))
((You're very welcome
Just don't forget to pay Ocean