Rumors of new Keeper in the Spellweaver Keep

  • Word from Spellweaver Keep is spreading that Keeper Evendur Mildsilver is absent for some reason and former headmaster of the Keep, Aleum Kumma, has taken leadership as new Keeper. Will it be only for some time that Evendur is absent, or will it be for good? What did ever happen to Evendur, as no knowledge has been let out of the Keep? Many questions arise for those whom are interested of the business of the Keep..


  • A young apprentice is seen announcing in Norwick that there is yet again a new Keeper of Spellweavers Keep.

    Chaevre' Vaelen has been assigned Keeper of Spellweavers Keep.

  • Rumors radiate outward from the Keep that Evendur has returned, but not as the Keeper. Strange, no doubt… Perhaps time will reveal more details.

    • the man shivers and hands her the object with a quick thrust of his hand * h-h-he didn't say w-w-what it'd be. t-t-the note probably says m-m-more.

    // Can you send me a reminder PM, and I'll let you know the details? Thanks!

  • Yolanda shouts, going after him even in case he didn't hear

    Hold one moment.

    How significant are we talking?

    She then nods towards the scroll

    And if that was meant for our Keeper, I suppose it might be better to deliver it as well, wouldn't want your employers to think you're incapable of such.

    Smiles and winks

  • the man shivers and nods he-he-he's got a commission for the Keep enchanters, Lady Sorceress. P-P-Please ask if they can accept a j-j-job that will r-r-require significant r-r-resources. the man runs quickly back to town, seeking the warmth of the Boars

  • A woman comes out, dressed in black trousers and a snazzy white vest, though she keeps her cloak close around her and her hood up. She begins to shout over the wind, keeping her words short, seemingly anxious to go back inside.


    I am the Envoy of Norwick, Yolanda.

    By wish of the Keeper, all meetings with him shall go through me.

    Do you need to speak to the Keeper in person, or is there a message I can deliver to him?

    And good heavens man, be quick about it, this is no weather to stand outside.

  • * Visibility is low as snow billows about the hillcrest upon which stands the enormous tower of Spellweaver Keep. A man in the livery of the town mercenaries stomps up through the blizzard, clutching in his hands a scroll bearing the crest of the town's chancellor.
    As wind sweeps over the gates, dulling his words, the man calls out again and again to the tower guards that he brings greetings and a message from Chancellor Mecc. *

  • A faint mist, grey – some might say mild silver -- in color, falls over the Spellweaver courtyard one morning as dawn begins to break. It lasts no more than fifteen minutes before dissolving into the light of the new day.

  • A cloaked figure stands outside the game of the keep. When Aleum is summoned by the servants to roust him, he brings one impossibly long arm from beneath his cloak. What he exposes in his grasp is seen only by the gnome, and only three words are spoken before he is ushered into a private chamber.

    "We must talk."

  • _A chill wind blows across the courtyard of Spellweaver Keep, and the sound of Fine's boars snorting in the streets of Norwick can be heard on the breeze.

    All seems normal on the surface. And yet… something is not quite right..._