Bobo's Baubles

  • _Beautiful women and stunningly handsome men hand out well-fashioned parchment throughout the various towns.

    Raised gold leaf ink adorns the pages carrying the following announcement:_
    The famous “Bobo’s Baubles” is almost here!

    **Experience the Difference

    Bobo’s Baubles has superior merchandise for a fraction of the cost! We offer a wide array of food, household items, blades, clothing and magic products. You'll find many razor sharp short swords and magic items to choose from; everything you'll need for a wonderful picnic, hunting party or smiting event! In addition to these items, you'll find pipeweed products, rare gems and “special” services. Don't wait any longer–see us today!

    “Don’t buy from a thief in black…Bobo’s Baubles are honest goods! That’s a fact!”**

  • Devath takes a flyer, putting it away and anxiously awaiting Bobo's arrival

  • Cyrian takes a leaflet and asks to to know who and where Bobo is, he then double checks the militia files to see if Bobo has paid for a trade permit, seeing that Bobo has not he files for the militia to keep a watch for any unauthorised trading within the town, as well as seeks out the captain to know what her take on this is, wether they should be fined for handing out each flyers or charged a lump sum