The Crafters seek Corana and her bodyguard Birk
_A bedraggled group of travellers disembarks from a ship on the docks with their gear and several handcarts of ore and logs. None of them look all too happy with their cargo… none of them look as if they are without injury.
As they walk towards the Guild House in Peltarch, their conversation can be overheard..._
"…it wasn't the best minin trip ever, wit all them gobs an Duergar stoppin us along the way. cough But what stirs me forge is that Corana and her body guard Birk... takin' all the loot fer demselves to share, no doubt..."
Dwin Dolvak, leader of the Guild speaks up.
I give the lass an her bodyguard 1 week to get me the loot, or our share of the gold from it. I dont hear from them, then we are going to take what we consider to be our share, by whatever means necessary. No one steals from me or the Union.
The weary group continues on to the forges, mostly in silence.
((No problem. I think its all settled now anyway. Too bad Allanon got a little harsh with Birk even though Birk had already given the loot back, but Allanon didn't know this IC so…looks like Allanon is just making enemies with more Legion members
Heck like he hasn't already :roll: ))
Hearing the commentary from some individuals in the commons, Corana smirks and shakes her head.
"Stealing from the Union… How amusing."
Addressing those present in the commons
"If they come around again, tell them they can have the complete value of the items I had carried back with me on the ship. And as for their commentary on my supposed incompetence, let it be known that I aided them throughout the journey with the healings of Umberlee, keeping that young hin lass from dying several times, piloted the ship for the return voyage as no one else was capable, and, oh yes, provided crossbow fire during each of the fights. Incompetence? Ha! How utterly ridiculous."
Having said this, she walks off in search of the Crafters with a sack of coin.
((OOC: logged last night as it was late and I was falling asleep, sorry! :oops: ))
::Alan Schek is seen leaning on a nearby lamp post, stomping out his roll of pipeweed with a twist of his heel, calmly he comments::
"Now if you bunch'a nice folks be needing someone a bit roughed up, all you gotta do is find the boss-lady Kaywen. She'll help you lot easy 'nuff. Jus' say the word and I'll tell her myself. Won't cost you much neither."
::He smiles good naturedly, with a wave after (supposedly) catching there attention::
::gives Folir a funny look and steps out of arm reach::
Oh good, Mog get to defend Union and Legion.
Mog day getting better already.
- Foilir grumbles lowly, brow furrowing. *
<d>It appear dat it time again to prove deh theory dat if yeh hit an orc in deh right place anna hard enough… coins come out.</d>
I just met up with him in the pass Dwin and he said he gave you all the Loot…
Cracks his gauntleted knuckles
I say we do a little teaching, that way he knows better than to take from the Legion next time.
we could have used you too…
Boy oh boy, could we have used you....
Dwin can count on Mog to help recover what Union's.
((I hate having to have missed it :(. Had a goodly number of picks to test on those darnable rocks. Thanks for having the event Gobbletom even if I wasn't able to go. ))
later on, in Jiyyd…
I just saw that Orc, and he handed me 4 farkin coins. he's still got a large bag o shiite he's carryin around, i am sure its full of our loot. I think its time to discuss this with his 'boss.'
Either that, or its time for the world to have one less horc.
[Allanon speaks up as well]
Aye, Thick headed mule stood there not lifting a finger while we loaded up all that Ore. Not to mention he was swinging like a wild beast in the dark and cought be upside the head a couple times.[To the Dolvaks]
If you two need help getting our share then I'll help in the name of the Union, not to mention my share of it aswell.((On a Side Note. That event was awesome. Many a thanks to Gobbletom for such a great event, and to the Dolvaks. You guys had me laughing the whole time. I really need to do more events with you two, because you made it so much more fun. Gotta love them dwarves
Cyrian comments
Not to mention that I asked for helpers who will help fight and haul Ore, all i recall them standing in the back of the group looting the corpses as we moved along, and providing a little healing here and there.
Next time I think we hire a more reliable ship and Crew, Captain Deacon ought to have his mates flogged for their incompetence.