Background Story for character Atraik Zethan

  • Account name:atraik zethan
    Character:Atraik Zethan
    Atraik Zethan is a ranger and protector of Rawnlinswood.Atraik follows the goddess Mielikki and lives in the forest, embracing the wild and gaining what knowledge he can from the plants and animals he encounters there.Atraik picks his friends and companions carefully, and the few he does have he holds in high respect and loyalty. Skilled in both the use of Bow and Sword, he fights only to retain balance in the world of Faerun, and to protect the trees and life of the forests.Goblinoids and Orcs being his most hated enemy he vows to someday cleanse the Rawnlinswood of their evil presence.Atraik Zethan does not know where he was born or even where he is from… he has had amnesia ever since he awoke in the boarshead several years ago.His name was the only thing Atraik could seem to remember...

  • Reviewed - XP Pending.

  • Please edit in your character name and NWN account name, I cannot review this until you gave the info.