The big stupid one, the small strange one, and the dead ones

  • //this story could fit in the peltarch section, but since it doesn't really have anything to do with Peltarch, and isn't public knowledge, I decided to post it here. I would like to thank dm DeathCat and LonelyGajin for making the whole thing this much fun.

    A nameless shady bar in the Peltarch dock district. In the darkest corner of the bar, a couple of hins in dark clothes are smoking some pipeweed, and drinking some strong ale. The following story is told in whispered hin.

    Y'all know that I hang out 'round Renaldo's a lot, right? I was doing that again yesterday, when this huuuge human burst in. Muscles as thick as John "The Barrel" Rockbeat. Looked like he had been snorting chalk though, drool and everything. I wondered what that brute was going to do to poor ol' Renaldo, who happens to own me some money, so I followed him inside. They got into a bit of an argument, which ended in Renaldo tricking him into fetching him some kind of flute in return for a broken guitar. On his way out, the brute broke down the door too. I got interested and followed the guy south, to Jiyyd. Had some trouble finding the Silver Valley, called us all "l'il things", the bloody bastard. He found it after a while, talked to some gnome, who was apparently ambushed on his way to the city by two bandits. Real bookkeeper I tell you, looked it all up in his notes. Our big friend got on his way again, was followed by one of our kin…some nude, blue girl. Wasn't hard to follow him, he left quite a track through the snow. Got to where the bandits were rumoured to know what the idiot did? Started yelling "Wooobbeeeers!" Retard. He found one o' them, by their campsite. The bandit pushed the hin girl, which pissed him off I think. I had to dodge the upper half of the bandit's head. He got some nice stuff from their chest too, sack of gold the size of my head. Just after that, the second bandit attacked them. Led to quite a chase I can tell you. Idiot fell on the brute's axe, after a small push by the girl. The girl got hurt pretty bad though, and the big guy too. They tried finding help in the alliance inn, but that didn't work, so they headed back north to the city, the girl in his arms. Got into an argument with Renaldo, because he wanted "it", I think he meant the girl, to receive some sort of reward too. Renaldo didn't give in, and seemed more worried about blood making his floor dirty than about the girl. When the big one got mad, he stuffed the girl in his backpack, which didn't look very clean to me. At that point, I got the hell out of dodge. You can never be sure of what such a guy is going to do... Hey bartender, another round over here!