Peredoc - A Gnome's Tale

  • Forum Name: Morfix
    Character Name: Peredoc Scherns
    NWN Acct. Name: Kaerun

    So you want to know my story eh? Where to start? I suppose the beginning would be a good place. I was born in the Lantan region, in the city of Samargol to be specific. Though it was quite a beautiful place, it was thin on resources and making your way was quite difficult to say the least. My father was a tinker and helped build the Lantan-Samarach Portal, and my mother had a turnip garden, which helped feed us and keep us financially secure. The area of the city we lived in was mostly gnomish, so turnips were in high demand.

    Neither of my parent dabbled in magic at all, but during the day I spent some time doing errands for an absolutely mad wizard who lived near us named Eldoth Xiloscent. He was of elvish descent with a bit of Sylvan blood, making him brilliant, though as I mentioned, not entirely sane. Anyway, back to the story. In order to pay for my services, he would teach me small incantations that I could use to protect myself and impress my friends. He was particularly fond of spells that would trick the senses and confuse the mind. "Illusion" he called it, and said that many gnomes made it their primary focus when it came to the arcane.

    As the years past he gave me more difficult chores to carry out, travelling longer distances and learning more dangerous spells. At the age of 20, he requested that I go with him to a place called Waterdeep in order to meet up with a friend of his. My parents figured it would be fine, since I was traveling with a very powerful wizard and not much harm could come to me while he was around. But, he was also very mad and felt that there wasn't much he couldn't do. He was indeed very, very wrong.

    We decided to use the Lanton-Samarach Portal to get to where we were going, where that was I'm not quite sure. He claimed he knew and incantation, that when casted upon the portal, would take you anywhere you wanted. What he didn't know was that the portal was enchanted to guard against that, a small oversight on his part. When ensued was a very gruesome sight, which I would rather not describe. Basically, different parts of his body were transported different places, while somehow, I was left unharmed north of the town of Norwick. His right leg was there to join me.

    Ever since then I've lived in Norwick, learning about the arcane arts and working as an assistant to Fine Ogden, a local farmer.

    And so my story ends, only to give birth to a new beginning, which one can only hope is as exciting as the previous one.

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