Chronicle Of Death

  • Legion

    "Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering,
    Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before"

    -Edgard Allen Poe,The Raven (1845)-

    Chronicle Of Death

    Part One:The Puppeteer

    I am dead.I dont feel the pain anymore,all is gone.I ceased to suffer,by the dagger who ended my miserable life.I was a child of the darkness,i was embracing a dangerous alley.I always knew it would end like that sooner or later,but i was fascinated by the danger.Since i am a kid,i always dreamed to escape far away in a land of light.Those dreams was the only thing that nobody could take away from me,even death wouldnt be able to take my hope away.I am lying down bleeding,seeing a tunnel of light welcoming me to meet my dreams.
    _"Horja!The damned is bleeding to death here!Hurry get Rojdran!" Shouted a voice,the tone of voice was male and scared.

    "He have to live,he cant die.Rojdran come here by the nine hells ye lazy Banite." A woman voice was screaming in anger.

    Why they try to save me?I want to die.I dont want to be the puppeteer of anyone anymore,i have make enough suffer and i will never be able to find redemption.I am running to the tunnel of light,they wont keep alive away from my dreams.I have cut my both hands,so i would never wrote anymore in the book.Why they wont let me go?They take pleasure in torturing me,they take pleasure in the pain of my tears.I want to be free,free of this insanity.The tunnel is fading…my dreams are vanishing before me and im powerless._ _"His wound is deep,he will need more than what my blessing can do right now.Bring him in the tent i will try what i can to stop the bleeding." Rojdran with incertitude in his voice was trying to convince himself he could save the dying man.

    "Rojdran if he die this will be your last failure.You will be food for the Keeper and you know it." The scared male voice answered to Hojdran with anger.

    The cleric and the muscular barbarian lift the bleeding man from the ground and drag him inside a dark blue tent.Horja,a beautiful elven female,was standing guard with a double edged sword at the front of the door.She took the dagger that was in the stomach of the dying man from the ground.

    "You wont die yet…the Keeper wont let you go that easily.You are the puppeteer,and you are bond to obey." She said talking to herself,playing with the blood tainted rusty dagger.A dark hooded shadow was watching the scene from behind a rock covered of green and damp mushrooms.He stand silent,watching every move of Horja.From under his dark cloak,he slowly unseath a strange dagger with a snake art on the blade.

    Inside the tent,Rojdran the cleric of Bane was trying to stop the bleeding on the stomach wound of the puppeteer.In a corner of the tent the barbarian was watching,he was scared.His life fate was holding into this wounded man life.If he was going to die,even the Underground wouldnt have enough holes for him to hide.He couldnt hide the fear that was haunting him,he was shaking with nevorsity."Dont die now,dont die damnit."

    I feel the pain.My body is slowly recovering life,recovering something i wanted to leave.The cleric is saving me,for his own salvation.The barbarian is scared of me,i can see it.Rojdran,cleric of Bane.He is the more weak minded cleric i ever saw,his faith is even more weak.Half of his visage is covered by burns,result of experiments he was forced to accomplish.His blue eyes reflect despair,and the only thing that keep him alive are dreams.He is like me,a dreamer locked into a cage of flesh and bones.He is the only one i could call a friend,even if for him i am a monster.If i was to die,he would be hunted by the Keeper.

    I feel sick.I want to puke this pain away,i want to flee away from those demons.The barbarian,have manipulated me into this madness.Once he was like my father,taking care of me.He is the one that teached me that you cant trust no one beside yourself.He was right,all those who i could have call friends have betray me.Wargarr,was what i have find the more close of a father.And he cursed me into this to save his own life.Selfishness.Behind the muscular male,behind the countless tatoos and scars of war,behind the fearless regards,Wargarr is only as weak as me.He hide his fear.Me,i always runned away from fear.I cant escape it,even death refuse to leave me win over it.The tunnel of light is gone,only the darkness surround me once again.

    "Wargarr come help me,i have succeed to stop the bleeding but will need you to..." Rojdran stopped to talk and suddenly his visage turned pale.He dropped the little knife and herbs he was using to heal the wound.

    In the entrance of the tent,the elven lady was walking in.She was cut from everywhere blood was like a cloak on her, covering her beauty.She was trying to shout but only blood was coming out of her mouth.Her left eye was gone,and most of her fingers have been cut off.Slowly she walked toward the wounded man,each step was a pain for her.Each step she nearly fall but she refused to give up.

    By the Nine Hells!Horja.....!" Wargarr was shouting to Horja,his fear was growing in his heart.The sight of one of his close friend,bleeding,wounded to the verge of death was slowly making him lose the little of sanity left in him.The banite was too shocked to react,his hands wouldnt move nor he couldnt speak any of his Lord blessings.He was too scared,his body was frozen by fear.A hooded shadow slowly walked into the light inside of the tent.He pulled back his hood,revealing a male visage.He was smilling,holding two blood covered daggers.Wargarr was holding his greataxe for combat,even if he did know he couldnt win over the stranger.

    I saw her tears.She have appear above my eyes,her visage wounded.Her blood dropping on my cheeks,she was carressing my face.She loved me,its her love who took her into this insanity.I am sorry,to have caused your death.I am sorry to have break your heart.I am sorry to being alive.She kiss me,her blood is tasting like salt inside my numb mouth.She is leaving me,alone.Am i evil?Or am i tool of evil?Why they have to die because of me?

    The elven female,kissed the wounded man before falling on the ground lifeless.The cleric and Wargarr was frozen,waiting on the stranger to make any move.

    " are a fool!Ye killed Horja,but you wont have it easy this time!" Wargarr fear was changing into rage.His blood was beggining to boil of anger.Rojdran did know,that when Wargarr become rageful,no one can control him.He was praying that the stranger kill him quick without much pain,he couldnt bare the fear anymore.Weakly he asked the stranger one question."Who are you stranger?"

    "I am Arar"_ To Be Continued…

  • Legion

    _Sottoth was open.The gate of no return was standing open,and i could heard the cries of the victims of the string i pulled for evil being.I was damned,i couldnt stop anything from happening.I was the tool of agony,i couldnt change anything from this fate.I am weak.I never fought back for what i loved,i only dragged myself into this misery.For my weakness many have perish,for my weakness many more will suffer…

    "You did well." Arar was standing behind the pupeeter,smiling.

    "Release me from this life,you promised me to put me to rest." My voice was shaking,somehow i never believed Arar words.I couldnt fought him,im only a weak and scared being.

    "I fear you will live to see what you just done.I will show you peoples diying from your choices,i will show you what you have done..." Arar was smilling.

    "This wasnt the deal..." The puppetter voice was slowly fading away in a whisper.

    "You should have know better,when you deal with someone worst than any devils of the Nine have to be careful." Arar was playing with the puppeter.

    "..." The puppeter was looking straight ahead at the gate.

    Nothing i could do now will change what i have done.The gate was open once again,and i couldnt do anything again.I was only a tool of sins,i am nothing.

    Arar laughed at the puppeter torment,then he slowly walked trought Sottoth.The gate flashed a gray pale light,then only darkness did remain.The puppeter was alone,crying inside a dark cavern...

    For what did happen to the puppeter or Arar after this,only rumors did try to solve this mystery.Some said Arar have die at the hands of vile devils,some other story speak of Arar becoming a devil himself...the truth is hiding in a past...better left unknow._

    ((This story was on hold for too long.I couldnt find the inspiration to make the last part.The last part is small,and end quick the story.I just didnt have any inspirations for the end,nor does i had the feeling i would ever finish it if i waited more,so there is the end of this short story.))

  • Legion

    The puppeteer:Part Two

    _Arar.I always been scared that i would one day or another disturb strange power beyond my understanding.Arar was one of those things beyond my weak mortality.He have build his reputation on fears,none know if he is human or a demons from the Nine Hells.Me,i was sure of one thing.If the Red Falcon was here,my doom wasnt over.I am the puppeteer.I am damned to be used like a sadistic toy.Arar was just one of many to come to claim me,for his own morbid pleasure.

    "I killed her,yes.She refused to kiss me,and no woman will live long enough to refuse my will." Arar was smiling,watching carefully the muscular barbarian.

    "Arar.I always wanted to face the legend,and to cut his chicken neck myself.I dont fear you." Wargarr visage was serious,each of his words was said with a deep tone.He would never drop his axe,he would never betray his honor.The Keeper have order him to protect the pupeteer,he couldnt fail.

    "Wargarr this isnt a…" Rojdran was interrupted by one of the dagger of Arar,he did throw it to warn the cleric hitting the ground between his legs.

    "The big guy want to play the strong with me,leave him die for his own stupidity.I wanted to leave you both alive,but now i feel like my first idea was not a good one." Arar was smiling like usual,as he talked he was slowly walking toward the barbarian.

    "You will regrets to have underestimated my axe." Wargarr was beginning to swing his axe in circle above his head.With all the strenght he could pull from his legs,he charged Arar with a rageful war cry.

    All went black after this.Darkness have engulf me into a long sleep,that seem to have last an eternity.I finaly opened my eyes.Wargarr was a statue of stone,holding his great axe above his head.The visage of Wargarr was one of the more scary thing i never saw.His rage immortalised in rock,showing every traits of his visage.Looking at him you could still hear the last war cry he did shout before this twist of fate.I have feel sadness.What was most close to a father to me was gone.I closed my eyes,and fall asleep again.

    I dreamed about a bird.Black feathers,dark eyes.He was looking at me oddly,i think i did heard a waterfall near me.I was sitting lifeless in the middle of long green herbs,watching the bird on a branch of a dead tree."Close your eyes forever" The bird shouted this,before flying away in the sky.This dream was peaceful,if only i could stay in this dream.The herbs have dry,the sun did become red,endless rain have begun to pour on me.No one run for long from his fate.

    "Wake up." I dont want to wake up.I want to stay in my own mind forever.

    "Dear puppeteer,you know what i want from you.And once your done i will simply kill you.Dont cry,this is bussiness." Arar was sitting on a rock,waiting for the puppeteer to wake up.He was cleaning his two blades,who was tainted by the blood of the elven lady he did massacre.

    "If you promise me you will kill me after this,i will obey." I answered.I wanted to die,and he was offering me what i want.Even if i would have to unleash madness again upon the living,i couldnt miss this opportunity.Arar was the one who could free me of the Keeper.

    Arar smiled.Then he took a book attached at his belt and throwed it to the pupeteer.

    "Unleash Sottoth"_

    To be Concluded…