Meram *smiles*
hallo smiles
I have tried to write about my past 2 times before…. But my paper got destroyed both times...
1 time i was sitting out side the inn in Norwick... I can´t go in there when my bird Peter is near.. He don´t understand he have to stay out...There are many stupid laws here... But as i was saing.. I was sitting out side the inn and tried to put my memories down on paper. Its a nice place to sit.. There are many very nice people in Norwick.. Have you mett Lao ? He is a very nice dwarf.. there are alot of dwarfs in this town... Most of the time they are very boring... They are in the mine getting ore to make weapons and armor all day... thats not fun.... But i was suposed to tell why i lost the first paper i made of my past...
I was sitting out side the inn in Norwick... I was a littel sad becource i had to remember what happend on the way to Norwick.. That was not a fun trip.. I have to tell you all abot it some day... and i was mening to tell you... i had written it down on a paper while i was sitting out side the inn in Norwick when... no wait.. was that the second letter.... No I think i was the first.. yes.. when i was sitting out side the inn in Norwink and tryed to write down my past something happend... My paper burn up... i think it was the well... its always the well.. its a very stupid well.. i moved from Norvick becource of the well...
So i had to find a better place to write my storie.. so i went out side the north gate... but that was not a good place.. It was raining.. it always rain here.. its a very nice place :lol:
So i was thinking that the best place to write about my past was inside. but i don´t have my ovn home.. so i desided to go to the inn in Jiyyd. When i got to the inn i found evrybody dead.. It looked like a werewolf had been inhere and people around me was very afreid... So i desided this was not the best place to sit down and write...
I went east of Jiyyd to look for the werewolf... But it was gone... But i did find a cave... I went in there and it was emty.. I thought this was a good place to write the story of my past.. so i did.. i was wery happy about what i had written and left the cave... When i came out a very big Orc destoyer was standing before me, he raised his weapon and i desided to move out of his way.... The orc must have been in a very good mood becourse he started to run after me... It was very fun.. we ran around in circels
When the orc began to get tired i used my sling to shot a littel stone agenst his forehead and he began to chace me agen..
After we had played the game for 3-4 hours the orc desided to leave... i was trying to make him come back.. and he didBut he had found some friends and now the game was not so fun anymore.. there was to many of them and i had to run into Jiyyd. the guards there was not so happy about getting all the orcs into town and i had to help them destroy the orcs....
The only problem was that i lost my paper whith my storie in all the fun so i have to write a new one.
So here comes the storie about my past....
I was born in the woods where i lived with my parents. I was very happy.. there was alot of beutyful animals near my home... My mother protected the wood agenst greenskins and weird looking animals...
My farther was not home so much.. He was always on a trip some where and he never lett me come with him.. I was a very happy child.. i was having alot of fun and my mother told me how to protect my self in the wood and how to make the nature help me...One day my farther came home from one of his trips to the south and told my mother that we have to leave our home... It was something about alot of greenskins moving noth towards our forrest....
My mother refused to leave her forrest and went out to se what was going on... 2 days after she came home with sadness in her eyes and told my farther that he was right, and that we have to leave right now....We went north.. I don´t know where we was going but we traveled wery fast... One day when we were getting ready to move on, we were attacked by a large number of greenskins... My mother asked the animals in the forrest to help us and there was a big battel.. my mother was sending lightning, fire and ice down on them.... but there were to many..
My mother was send to the ground by a lot of arrows and my farther graped me and draged me away from the fight... We tryed to hide in the shadows like he had leaned me to do.. but they soon found our tracks and came after us... We ran for our life...My farther was hit from beheind and fall down to the ground and he told me to move faster... i ran very fast.. but i got more and more tired...
The greenskins surrounded me and i had to stop up and fight them... There was not many of them... but i got hit in the head by a club and went to the ground.. i was looking up on a greenskin with a sword and he was about to put it in me when something hit him from beheind and his body landed on top of me... I got the body away and up on my feet... The greenskins was all gone and this very beutyful bird landed next to me...
It had savede my life ( i desided later to name him Peter)
I looked around an saw to men standing in a gate... They was running towards me but i diden´t have the strength to run away... They graped me pulled me into there town... It was the town called Norwick...(hope you can read this)
Tra la la la
Meram smiles
looks at this old thing and smiles
Couldn't stop reading this. ROFLMAO doesn't even begin to describe it.
ROFL! Great!…. haaaahaha....
tells his app-mates there is no need to worry, nothing wrong with sitting in one's room alone and laugh