Corana's address to the Docks District

  • Clad in her ceremonial robes and standing on the pier stretching into the Icelace, Corana addresses a group of Docks District residents who have come to watch her participate in her morning prayers to the Sea Queen.

    "Residents of the Docks District, and residents of this fair city as a whole, since my last address in the Commons some weeks back, I have received some criticism for my ideals. One rather prominent individual deemed me excessively militant for my security proposals, and even likened my ideas to those of the traitorous tyrant who began our all too recent civil war. Another stated that none of my proposals required senatorial status to implement and questioned my motivations for entering the race.

    In response to the first, I say this: no price is too high to ensure the safety of the citizens of Peltarch. In fact, within the past week, an assassin made attempts on my life, as well as on the lives of Deacon Sterr, his daughter Ocean, and his business associate Mook. All four of these attempts happened in broad daylight, in the Commons, while an understaffed security force could not control the situation. Are citizens of this city, including those who elect to speak out against crime, not safe to walk any street even in the daylight? I stand by my initial security ideals now more than ever. As I say, no price is too high to ensure the safety of all citizens of Peltarch.

    In response to the second, I say this: it is 100% accurate that ensuring the security of this city does not require senatorial status. Therefore, while the innocents of the Docks continue to be slain, and the city guards offer you minimal tangible proof of progress, I offer you an alternative. Any resident with information about the happenings in the Docks, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, please seek out the assistance of myself and my Church, or the assistance of Deacon Sterr and his crew. The Sails have aided in the policing of this district for many years, and successfully might I add, even if their presence has not always been known to you. With your help in these dark days, the Church of the Sea Queen and the Black Sails can help restore order to the Docks, BEGINNING TODAY, and end the needless slaughter of your neighbors, your friends, and your families by these cowards.

    It is 100% accurate that ensuring the security of this city does not require senatorial status.

    The crime, the murders, the lawlessness… WILL... END... NOW...

    Corana concludes her speech with a commanding and equally emphatic tone, as a salty breeze begins to blow over the Icelace behind her. Coming off the pier, she stops to speak with any residents who linger behind after hearing her words.

    • During the events. Cray is seen in the backgroud, casually wandering around as if he is keeping tabs. Any out of place noises or behavior attract his utmost attention. He looks you over with suspicious eyes. His attention is strictly foccused on everyone gathered, rather than the events themselves. Cray doesn't engage in idle conversation with aquaintences or friends. His presence here seems more like buisness than pleasure. *

  • Konstantin watches the affair scientifically, seems to process it with a slight inclination of his head, then leaves, parting the crowd in his wake.

  • Ting says to those close enough to hear, making no special effort to make herself heard
    "These want-to-be gangs that move through your streets are dangerous simply because the fear you have of them not because of incompetency of the guard. Learn to defend yourselves … hells, I'll teach you how to get away from a thug if you so want."
    then she just sort of moves on

  • Laughs watching gaedyn's little speech, sitting up on a box, chuckling a bit

    Just cause you can't see me doesn't mean i'm not there kid.

  • yawns, looking bored with first the priestess' speech then the magistrates

    "…all talk and no action, I've seen neither of them patrolling the streets as I do in the small hours of the morning. Pretty speeches, bold words, and nice clothes do not a safer Peltarch make. Just remember the actions...look at Koreth, his words earned him a seat on the senate, but his actions showed his true heart. Do not fall prey to the empty words and infantile slander, use your eyes and ears! See what they do, listen to their deeds...let your judgement be true."

    goes back to the inn to rest up for that night's patrol

    • Gnawing on some roated boar, Foilir just listens to the speech, occasionally stopping to chuckle. He listens amused, as if being told a joke and awaiting a punchline.

    Upon hearing about the failed assasinations he laughs heartily. Wiping a tear from his eye he composes himself then mutters a bit out loud*

    "Three failed attempts… She say three failed attempts? In deh daylight?"

    • Getting confirmation that is what was said, he laughs a bit harder *

    "Dem was nae real assasins... Dey was meant to fail..."

    • Chuckling amused, Foilir heads towards his shop near the commons *

    " <d>Me as teh tell Nor about dis un..."</d>

  • Deacon, watching the proceedings from his warehouse, grings slightly

    .. This city be needing the safety it once had, 'an we about ta give it.

    Retreats back in his room

  • A young, handsome man lounges against a wall, listening to the speeches. Zyphlin's words make his frequent smile widen to a grin. He chats to the other dockers and onlookers, who might notice a familial resemblance to the famous Captain, Deacon Sterr.

    Yeah, 'cos the guards're known for being good to honest, hardworking folk. They'll look after their own, same as always. S'only fair that we look after ours.

  • As he strolls off into the dusk, Corana calls out a retort.

    "This is not the time for politically charged slander against myself or my church. I am neither a Banite, nor Koreth, nor an advocate of a police-state as you suggest. I trust these people can see that, and so I will not insult them by addressing any of those comments.

    I say to you this and only this: offer these people some tangible proof of progress in the investigation. Until then, they have nothing to effect their faith in the system except fresh bodies in the morgue each morning. Without proof, they will do what they feel will bring them security."

    With those words she retreats from the crowd to speak to citizens, guards, and friends alike.

  • A figure in the crowd raises his cloak over his face and walks back into the alleys…

  • Sitting in the back of the crowd, listening quietly at first until she finishes, and once she does jumping up onto a box and clapping slowly with a smirk on his face

    Lovely speech, lovely speech. Though I'm beginning to think we should be calling you Corona the Crusader lately, or maybe just Koranath. People the lady does have a point…the safty of this district, of all discritcs, of this city is important. And there are many of us that are willing and trying to help out with that. However turning to a GANG, to fight other gangs, is probably not your best option. Your best option is to try and assist with the city, tell us what is happening, warn us of who to watch for. With your help we can bring peace back to this place fully...without it no government, church, or Gang is going to be able to do it.

    And safty at all cost. You sound like a banite Corana! I thought you were a servitor of the bitch queen. Safty is important, but so is freedom. If we forced every man, woman, and child into thier houses at dark every night on penalty of death and had guards walking every inch of the street....Aye....we'd be safe, we'd have safty at all cost. But what a cost it would be, the cost of our freedom, of the soul of this city, of a normal life itself. There are many things we need to be doing and they are being done, more then ever the eyes of the guard and the government are looking towards the docks and seeking to find ways to help this place...and help it we will. You want to honestly help, offer your aid to the guards. Don't go around making speeches basically preaching a tyranical doctrine of oppression of all freedom in exchange for liberty.

    I have been patrolling regularly and fighting the crime of these docks, night and day, for over a decade now and will continue for another decade more. I have had numerous attempts on my life, but so is the story of any major city. But I shall say that it can get better, and it is, and it will continue to get better and become safer if you, the people, help us and aid us in this. This is a problem not just for some gang, or some church, or just dock workers…it is a problem as a city, and we should work as a city to solve it, not stand on some pulpit and try to say stir feelings of resentment and anger towards the guard and people that have dutifully been trying thier damndest for years keeping these docks safe when many simply don't want to speak out.

    So give your little speeches, rally your gang and church, and continue spouting out words that might as well be coming from the mouth of a banite or Koreth. But if you really want to help corana, you, the sails...anyone...speak with some of the guard or speak with me and I'll find you a way to do it with the city instead of trying to bring it down while you raise yourself up.

    He hops down after the firey speech, moving away from the crowd and letting them mull it over as he moves off into the dusk of the evening for his usual patrols