Felien Moss

  • Character Name: Felien Moss
    NWN Login: ForestColor
    Narfell Forum: Shaugg

    Yuirwood used to cover the entire peninsula of Aglarond.

    From song to whisper to silence. Standing at the edge of the sea with my back to the water I wonder. Some boundaries were meant to be it is clear. Where does the forest end? It ends where it meets the sea. Some boundaries are less clear. How deep does this forest go? Where does the forest stop and I begin? At this elven finger tip, inside this elven blood, with in this elven spirit? In this mind I see an elven hand, brown and thin, and it holds an acorn, Fallen from the last Oak tree on the shore of the Sea of Fallen Stars.
    During the time of songs the branches always held us and the leaves were shelter. They twisted and weaved their magic through our lives and the songs we sung. The Leaf Lord watched with acorn eyes and warded our home with branches.

    This forest isn’t as deep as it used to be. The trees fall with the elves and the elves fall with the trees as one. Fallen as the stars of the glistening water at my back. There way back to the heavens lost. The magic is silenced with the songs of the elves. The time of whispers was the start of tears.

    The forest is silent now but the acorns still see.

    New boundaries. How much I envy the sea. It holds so mighty as the forest recedes. I have always known and seen the forests end. Here at the sea, it never worried me. I have felt her water and she welcomed me. These new boundaries are strange to me. They can not be seen so readily as that with the Sea. They’ll end the song or call it a novelty.

    Silence by the scattering, elves leave with fright, those who try to hold on to their way. I will keep this acorn with me.

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