Marek Cariss and his work

  • _Marek walks through the front gates and stops to lean against the frame of the gate. Over his shoulder is flung a large burlap sack which he sits on the ground beside him while he rests. He is not wearing his traditional robes this day, rather he is clad in brown clothing that resembling a commoner in Norwick. The clothing is covered in dried mud that still clings to his breeches in small blobs. His boots leave some clumps of mud as he stamps his feet to rid himself of the dirt.

    After a short rest he bends to pick up his burden again, and with a slip of the knot a severed arm falls to the floor with a thud….. Marek then begins to curse everything from the constant rain in Norwick, to Draxil flapping beside him. Draxil noticing his masters temper rising, takes the opportunity to dart toward one of the shacks nearby, barely missing a flying ball of mud.

    Marek composes himself and bends to pick up the severed arm and stuffs it back in the burlap sack which he then flings back over his shoulder. A very small amount of blood remains on the ground where the sack was sitting. He then carries his load toward the shack that the imp has an open door waiting.

    Upon entering he slams the door shut behind him and the sound of a bar smashing down to lock it is heard….._

  • The quiet wizard was seen shuffling through the gates of Arnath once again. Pulling his hood low he walks past the guards with a quick glance pulling his robes back to show his bloody rag. With Draxil in tow, he stops to looks around a moment before walking toward one of the huts, his robes flowing behind him…

    OOC: Thinking of making a return to playing once again. If I do Marek will be back to his old habits I hope. Perhaps on the weekends only but we will see. 😉

  • _Marek has been coming and going the last couple tenday. Always wearing his brown clothing it seems. Curses rise from the shack and one explosion is heard, though Marek walks out with a small trail of black smoke following.

    A while later he is seen emerging from the shack with something in tow. Walking upright it resembles a man, or several men. It's arms swinging wildly it soon falls and flails on the ground unable to right itself….Cursing in frusteration Marek drops flames down upon the creature and watches it burn in silent anger. Obviously another failure, but the mage is getting close....very close._

    Let Norwick tred into the crypts more and soon they will find themselves in strange company. He mutters as he instructs Draxil to clean up the charred mess.

  • Loud curses can be heard from the shack and the sounds of glass breaking as if something was thrown and slammed into the door. Marek emerges from his shack a few hours later wiping his forehead and looking very weak from lack of sleep. Later that night he can be seen with what looks like a deformed body thrown over his shoulder walking into the caverns….Later he returns empty handed. With a frown he walks back to the shack.

  • A hooded figure dressed in black, watches Marek, a slight amused look is hidden by the hood. The figure turns around quickly, it's cloak billowing out behind it as it walks away at a quick pace

  • Corde notes marek's entrance and smiles a bit, remembering to talk to talk to the man soon but leaving him to his actions for now