The tribal chancellor returns...

  • :: It's well past dusk when a lone figure is seen walking through the sparce trees of the northern edge of the Rawlinswood.

    A pair of young elves stop their giggling tickle-fight under a young spruce to watch the armored man clomp by, his heavy plates clinking loudly. The first raises an eyebrow in curiosity, then bursts out laughing as her companion sticks a wet finger in her ear. They roll down the hill and the strange man walks on.

    Soon his approach is noted by sterner eyes. The gate opens with a loud creak and a man in the livery of Lucus' mercenaries peers out into the darkness. The glint of steel can be seen reflecting the moonlight, and still the man approaches.

    "I see. You're back. There are people who want to see you." the guard says, unceremoniously.

    The cleric garbed in dull red armor with skin a slight shade darker enters the town with a slow nod.

    By morning everyone has heard; the chancellor is back.

    //ooc on

    Nice job, scribes. I'm still waiting for the final wrap-ups but payment will come soon.
    Militia can expect their pay at the same time.
    Pressure me, and die a horrible death. Absolutely horrible. There will be jam involved.

    //ooc off