Team Nahvus

  • Lieza Aylown

    Female human

    age: 38
    Height: 1.8 m
    Weight: 76 kg
    Skin: Tanned and rather coarse from spending most of her time outdoors. Her face has some lines on it, especially near the eyes.
    Eyes: Brown
    Hair: Nearly raven black, with a few strands of gray. Usually kept very short, but recently has grown out and hangs over her ears.
    Facial features: High cheekbones, prominent nose and black eyebrows. She is missing one tooth.
    Body: Very muscular and lean, especially prominent muscles on her arms and biceps. Smallish breasts, broad hips.
    Scars: Healed but visible burn scars on her arms
    Clothing: Usually wears simple, comfortable clothes, often brown or green. Lately she has mostly worn a simple fur tunic. Also wears worn leather gloves and leather boots. In cold weather she wears a grey fut coat with the hood up.
    Equipment: Always carries her battleaxe and her cherry shield with her, as well as a shortbow. In a battle situation she wears banded mail, but doesn't look too happy with it.

    Other: Has a single golden earring on her left ear. Her expression used to be very stern whe she came to Norwick, but now she can often be seen smiling. Her voice is quite loud, especially when she laughs. She stands tall, has her hands often on her hips or folded across her chest. Walks with a long stride.

  • Lilac Amastine

    • coming soon -